stefanwichmann / kelvin

Kelvin - The hue bot

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Kelvin only changes colour temperature once when lights turn on.

JayPour opened this issue · comments

Installed Kelvin on a fresh Raspberry Pi Zero W. Haven't gotten it to work properly though. There are two issues and I suspect they are related.

Firstly Kelvin doesn't manage to control all lights when they get turnt on. Most of the time all the lamps appear in the logs, then all lamps get the "initializing state to ..." However here only sometimes does all lamps actually get to the correct colour temperature (have set brightness at -1 in the config, but tried having it at 100 with no change). The "detected matchingt target state " message only appears sporadically. So to summarize: The lamps are found in kelvin, but kelvin doesn't get proper control of them.

Secondly even when kelvin have managed to get control of all the lights the main functionality doesn't work for me. There is no transition after sunset, i have to manually restart the lamps (many times for kelvin to get proper control) to achieve a change in colour temp.

Don't know how to troubleshoot this, I have checked all the connections to the router and they seem fine. The app always gets local network-control of the bridge. I have moved the bridge further away from the router to check for interference with no improvement. How should I proceed??

PS! Also noticed Kelvin loads the CPU to +80%, often times bottlenecking it. I gather from an earlier issue here that around 20% could be expected but not as high as 80% all the time.

Hi JayPour,

that indeed sounds strange.

As a first step I would ask you to please make sure all components (bridge and lamps) are up to date in regards to software versions. This can be done through the official Hue smartphone app.

As a second step I propose starting Kelvin with the parameter "-debug". This should give you much more (and more verbose) information of whats going on. Also feel free to post an extract of the log here and I will have a look.