stefanwichmann / kelvin

Kelvin - The hue bot

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Some bulbs get turned off at midnight

porada opened this issue · comments

Some of my bulbs get automatically turned off by Kelvin after midnight, even though brightness is set to -1 (unmanaged). Tried using 100 to see if -1 could be the cause, but the issue still persists.

Once that happens, Kelvin doesn’t respect manual changes—the selected lights get turned off again immediately.

Hi Dominik,

the only situation where Kelvin will actively turn off your lights is an entry in the configuration with brightness zero. Did you restart Kelvin after changing the configuration?

Do the lights turn off at the same time every night?

Please try to start Kelvin with the parameter "-debug". This should give us a better understanding what's going on.

Hey Stefan, thanks for the response.

I’ve been using Kelvin for months now and none of my presets or schedules has ever had brightness set to 0. Here’s my config file by the way. I keep it in a repository and judging by the config tweaks I made in the past, this issue has been happening to me since around the version 1.1.6.

Did you restart Kelvin after changing the configuration?

Every single time. 🙂

Do the lights turn off at the same time every night?

Yep, it’s midnight ± 1 minute.

I just launched Kelvin with -debug with an new log file and will report back in a few days.

I also just discovered by that running Kelvin on startup with -debug from within the .service file doesn’t respect the flag.

ExecStart=/home/pi/Projects/home/kelvin/kelvin -debug -log /home/pi/Projects/home/kelvin/kelvin.log

Logging works fine though.

Updated the gist with a part of the debug log file. Please take a look at lines 58–59. Kelvin turns off one of my two kitchen bulbs for no reason (you can search for Brightness:0}).

I just released Kelvin 1.2.0 which contains many small fixes including one for the problem you described. Please give it a try and let me know if I works for you.

Seems like there were no glitches last night. Thank you for fixing this.