stefanwichmann / kelvin

Kelvin - The hue bot

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Half of lights not adjusting when enableWhenLightsAppear = false

caramelmarmot opened this issue · comments

I've been using Kelvin for two years now in a basement lit with 20 Hue bulbs. Sometime between March 20 and April 12, they began exhibiting strange behavior: sequentially by bulb id, every other bulb did not accept Kelvin changes.

The attached logs.png shows the root of the issue as I understand it. When the issue is occurring, starting with line ~5 ("Light Middle Fixture 1"), only even-numbered entries report "Detected matching target state". The lights that do not report a matching target state stay at whatever color temperature and brightness was set in my "Basement on with kelvin" scene, without Kelvin updates.

Setting enableWhenLightsAppear to True seems to have resolved the problem, after which all lights are logged as detecting matching state and take updates based on my Kelvin schedule.

The issue seemed to occur on its own, possibly due to a Hue software update. I'm not aware of any changes I made to my Kelvin setup or my Hue setup in the time period when the error occurred. After the issue presented itself, it was present at all times of day and every time the lights were used, until I toggled enableWhenLightsAppear to True.

Config is attached. It seemed as though the issue was only affecting the "basement" lights, though I'm not sure about that. Perhaps it had to do with the number of lights in a schedule?

