stefanwichmann / kelvin

Kelvin - The hue bot

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Disable automatic Updates

amur-tiger opened this issue · comments

I'm using Kelvin 1.3.5 on an older Raspberry Pi which isn't supported anymore, but I'd like continue using it for a bit. The updater however attempts to download the newer (armv7) version, which will not run.

Is there a configuration option or any other way to disable automatic updates so it doesn't break itself?

Hey, I added a command line flag to disable automatic updates in the latest version (1.3.7):

./kelvin -enableUpdates=false

Sadly this will only help you, if you have the latest version running. To get this for your old Pi requires you to build it yourself:

GOOS=linux GOARCH=arm GOARM=5 go build .

The reason for deprecating support for everything older than armv7 is, that I did not find a way to detect the used ARM version at runtime. This resulted in downloading the wrong binaries during automatic update. Kelvin should still run fine on your old Pi once you built it manually.