stefanprodan / swarmprom

Docker Swarm instrumentation with Prometheus, Grafana, cAdvisor, Node Exporter and Alert Manager

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Prometheus container is continuously restarting "Received SIGTERM, exiting gracefully..."

gauravgoyal0086 opened this issue · comments

I am using this repo to create monitoring stack for our production swarm environments.
Have made some changes in prometheus configuration
Can you please help me to fix this problem.

  1. removed
  2. Attached herewith my prometheus.yaml file
  3. Attached herewith prometheus dockerfile
  4. Modified docker-compose.yml
    Share whole code @

I could deploy all services except getting below error on prometheus container

`deb795407a (none))"

level=info ts=2018-03-07T17:07:38.10631854Z caller=main.go:228 fd_limits="(soft=1048576, hard=1048576)"
level=info ts=2018-03-07T17:07:38.109652503Z caller=main.go:502 msg="Starting TSDB ..."
level=info ts=2018-03-07T17:07:38.127573843Z caller=web.go:383 component=web msg="Start listening for connections" address=
level=info ts=2018-03-07T17:07:38.574693038Z caller=main.go:512 msg="TSDB started"
level=info ts=2018-03-07T17:07:38.574933556Z caller=main.go:588 msg="Loading configuration file" filename=/etc/prometheus/prometheus.yml
level=info ts=2018-03-07T17:07:38.578334416Z caller=main.go:489 msg="Server is ready to receive web requests."
level=warn ts=2018-03-07T17:08:05.313728189Z caller=main.go:366 msg="Received SIGTERM, exiting gracefully..."
level=info ts=2018-03-07T17:08:05.313788495Z caller=main.go:390 msg="Stopping scrape discovery manager..."
level=info ts=2018-03-07T17:08:05.3138142Z caller=main.go:403 msg="Stopping notify discovery manager..."
level=info ts=2018-03-07T17:08:05.313828264Z caller=main.go:427 msg="Stopping scrape manager..."
level=info ts=2018-03-07T17:08:05.313855348Z caller=main.go:386 msg="Scrape discovery manager stopped"
level=info ts=2018-03-07T17:08:05.313893078Z caller=main.go:399 msg="Notify discovery manager stopped"
level=info ts=2018-03-07T17:08:05.31401654Z caller=main.go:421 msg="Scrape manager stopped"
level=info ts=2018-03-07T17:08:05.317560586Z caller=manager.go:460 component="rule manager" msg="Stopping rule manager..."
level=info ts=2018-03-07T17:08:05.317627258Z caller=manager.go:466 component="rule manager" msg="Rule manager stopped"
level=info ts=2018-03-07T17:08:05.31764061Z caller=notifier.go:493 component=notifier msg="Stopping notification manager..."
level=info ts=2018-03-07T17:08:05.317659353Z caller=main.go:573 msg="Notifier manager stopped"
level=info ts=2018-03-07T17:08:05.317714607Z caller=main.go:584 msg="See you next time!"`

`docker@manager:/Users/gaurav.goyal/gg/swarmprom/prometheus/conf$ cat prometheus.yml
scrape_interval: 15s
evaluation_interval: 15s

monitor: 'promswarm'




job_name: 'prometheus'
targets: ['localhost:9090']

  • job_name: 'dockerd-exporter'
  • names:
  • 'tasks.dockerd-exporter'
    type: 'A'
    port: 9323
    job_name: 'cadvisor'

type: 'A'
port: 8080
job_name: 'node-exporter'

type: 'A'
port: 9100
job_name: 'grafana'

type: 'A'
port: 3000 FROM prom/prometheus:v2.2.0-rc.0

COPY conf/ /etc/prometheus/

#ENTRYPOINT [ "/etc/prometheus/" ]
CMD [ "--config.file=/etc/prometheus/prometheus.yml",
"--web.console.templates=/usr/share/prometheus/consoles" ]`

This issue is resolved.
It was healthcheck service which was sending SIGTERM

@gauravgoyal0086 Can you please provide some more details about how you solved this problem?
I see the same sigterm message...

thanks in advance...

@gauravgoyal0086 Can you please provide some more details about how you solved this problem?
I see the same sigterm message...

Facing the same issue so interested in solution as well.

To tell you the truth, I didn't see how you solved it.

Facing the same problem!
Does anyone understand the cause?

Take a look at the healthcheck: section of Prometheus service work a working healthcheck for the prom container:

I had the same issue, updating the livenessprobe in the Kubernetes deployment config with GET /-/healthy as the path resolved the issue.
YES, the path has /-/ in it 😄