stefanprodan / swarmprom

Docker Swarm instrumentation with Prometheus, Grafana, cAdvisor, Node Exporter and Alert Manager

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Prometheus 502 Bad Gateway Error

csahincs opened this issue · comments


I'm new to Docker, Prometheus and Grafana. Trying to learn the basic stuff. I followed the steps that has been said in this repository.I have no problem reaching to Grafana, Alert Manager with <swarm_ip>:xxxx, but when I try to reach Prometheus, <swarm_ip>:9090 I get a 502 Bad Gateway error. Unfortunately I couldn't find a documentation on Prometheus errors.

PS: Thanks for the great tutorial.


I had the same problem. I tried the solution of maxim-ge at #10

His solution worked for me.

Hey All. How was this resolved? I followed directions to the letter and I'm getting "server returned HTTP status 502 Bad Gateway" output in the section pasted below when I "curl -u admin" from one of my swarm managers. Please help. How do I fix?
        <td class="state">
          <span class="alert alert-danger state_indicator text-uppercase">
        <td class="labels">
          <span class="cursor-pointer" data-toggle="tooltip" title="" data-html=true data-original-title="<b>Before relabeling:</b><br>__address__=&quot;;<br>__meta_dns_name=&quot;tasks.dockerd-exporter&quot;<br>__metrics_path__=&quot;/metrics&quot;<br>__scheme__=&quot;http&quot;<br>job=&quot;dockerd-exporter&quot;">

              <span class="label label-primary">instance=""</span>

              <span class="label label-primary">job="dockerd-exporter"</span>

        <td class="last-scrape">
          6.993s ago
        <td class="scrape-duration">
        <td class="errors">

          <span class="alert alert-danger state_indicator">server returned HTTP status 502 Bad Gateway</span>
