stefanprodan / swarmprom

Docker Swarm instrumentation with Prometheus, Grafana, cAdvisor, Node Exporter and Alert Manager

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templating error when I log in ...

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when I log into :3000 at first I get a templating error ...

Templating init failed
[object Object]


Also getting

Annotation Query Failed
{"data":null,"status":-1,"config":{"method":"GET","transformRequest":[null],"transformResponse":[null],"jsonpCallbackParam":"callback","url":"api/annotations","params":{"from":1512751416116,"to":1512752316116,"dashboardId":2},"retry":0,"headers":{"X-Grafana-Org-Id":1,"Accept":"application/json, text/plain, /"}},"statusText":"","xhrStatus":"error"}

Could be related to #9

Got similar error using default configuration.

  • Trying http://swarm-ip:9090/ results to 502 Bad Gateway
  • http://swarm-ip:3000 is ok, graphana GUI is shown
  • curl from swarm-ip node works fine

Seems there is some problem related to prometheus configuration, will continue investigation

PS: Anyhow, nice setup for "startup", thank you very much!

Hi @maxim-ge,
Am also facing the same issue, did you find any fix for this?

Hi, it was space issue in the swarm host. But it is giving incorrect matrix, one instance: node number is 3, it shows different number each time i do refresh.

In my case it was RAM amount problem. I use "local" (VirtualBox + vagrant) cluster for testing purposes, prometheus requirements in docker-compose.yml was too much for my VMs

          memory: 2048M
          memory: 1024M

changed to

          memory: 128M
          memory: 64M

and dashboards appear.

In normal cirsumstances (enough RAM) this cause won't appear.


I'm new to monitoring tools and prometheus, I'd be grateful if you can explain me this querry command, what exactly does it do ! Does it collect cpu from all manager and worker nodes together or wha!t:

Thank you in advance
query=sum(irate(node_cpu%7Bmode%3D%22idle%22%7D%5B30s%5D)%20*%20on(instance)%20group_left(node_name)%20node_meta%7Bnode_id%3D~%22. %2B%22%7D)%20*%20100%20%2F%20count_scalar(node_cpu%7Bmode%3D%22user%22%7D%20*%20on(instance)%20group_left(node_name)%20node_meta%7Bnode_id%3D~%22.%2B%22%7D)%