stefanprodan / mgob

MongoDB dockerized backup agent. Runs schedule backups with retention, S3 & SFTP upload, notifications, instrumentation with Prometheus and more.

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Authenticatoin fails if password contains special symbols

lostintime opened this issue · comments

Hello and Thanks for this great tool,

Today I've tried mgob with a mongodb instance using SCRAM-SHA-1 authentication and it was failing with:

time="2020-03-04T14:31:57Z" level=error msg="On demand backup failed mongodump log 2020-03-04T14:31:57.910+0000\tFailed: can't create session: could not connect to server: connection() : auth error: sasl conversation error: unable to authenticate using mechanism \"SCRAM-SHA-1\": (AuthenticationFailed) Authentication failed. : exit status 1" plan=all

I figured out this to be caused by password containing some special symbols: +-[>[. mongodump from docker container was working properly using same password, probably passwod is not encoded in a proper way while passed from mgob to mongodump, after changing password to alpha only - it worked.

Any idea to make this work? this is a bummer.

Any idea to make this work? this is a bummer.

I just used a "safe" password, and did not investigate further

Just found out that by defining this option params: "--authenticationDatabase admin" it works as expected.

Just found out that by defining this option params: "--authenticationDatabase admin" it works as expected.

Works like a charm!

Just found out that by defining this option params: "--authenticationDatabase admin" it works as expected.

Thnx worked for me too