stefanprodan / kube-tools

Kubernetes tools for GitHub Actions CI

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

[Question] Running helm in monorepo

tcarac opened this issue · comments

Im trying to use kube-tools in a monorepo and Im not running helm from the root directory.
My folder structure is

While running any helm command Im getting

helmv3 upgrade --install --atomic --namespace dev --set version=0.0.19-42e31f1  --set environmentName=dev --values ./packages/packageA/helm/values.yaml --kubeconfig .kubeconfig  ./packages/packageA/helm/ --timeout 2m0s --debug" 

Im getting

>>> Executing command <<<

Install to dev
"chartmuseum" has been added to your repositories
Error: could not find helm: stat helm: no such file or directory

Any clues ?