stefanprodan / helm-gh-pages

A GitHub Action for publishing Helm charts to Github Pages

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Skip files and non-chart folders

steven-sheehy opened this issue · comments

We have a folder in charts folder that is not a chart but is related to charts that this action fails on. We also have a in the charts folder that causes it to fail. It would be nice if the action could skip files and directories that don't have a Chart.yaml.

Also, it should run helm dep up before lint since parent chart may use child values to render templates and fail if it doesn't have those charts downloaded yet.

Or linting should be optional, as we do it in a previous step anyway.

Error: 7 chart(s) linted, 3 chart(s) failed
==> Linting /github/workspace/charts/
Error unable to check Chart.yaml file in chart: stat /github/workspace/charts/ not a directory

==> Linting /github/workspace/charts/hedera-mirror

==> Linting /github/workspace/charts/hedera-mirror-common
[ERROR] templates/: template: hedera-mirror-common/templates/NOTES.txt:8:45: executing "hedera-mirror-common/templates/NOTES.txt" at <.Values.traefik.ports.web.exposedPort>: nil pointer evaluating interface {}.exposedPort

==> Linting /github/workspace/charts/hedera-mirror-grpc

==> Linting /github/workspace/charts/hedera-mirror-importer

==> Linting /github/workspace/charts/hedera-mirror-rest

==> Linting /github/workspace/charts/marketplace
Error unable to check Chart.yaml file in chart: stat /github/workspace/charts/marketplace/Chart.yaml: no such file or directory