stefanprodan / WebApiThrottle

ASP.NET Web API rate limiter for IIS and Owin hosting

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X-Forwarded-For security issue

mustafakarakus opened this issue · comments

First of all, thank you for this project. I am using it. but there is HUGE security issue.
When I was testing my application, I by-passed throttle successfully and logged in after brute-force attack!

You are getting client ip address from X-Forwarded-For and this header can be manipulated. so I changed my IP address where in x-forward-for, for every throttle limit.
Problem caused by HttpRequestExtensions.cs

be safe.

The HUGE risk is when you don't configure your reverse proxy to set that header, eg nginx proxy_set_header.

You can also implement your own client IP fetch logic here

Then you should warn people, "Configure your reverse proxy because we are reading IP from client."