stefanprodan / AspNetCoreRateLimit

ASP.NET Core rate limiting middleware

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

EndpointRateLimiting default rules and some endpoint less restrictive

JaapMosselman opened this issue · comments

I am migrating a .NET Framework 4 application, which uses WebApiThrottle to core.
With WebApiThrottle I have a configuration with default limits and for some specific endpoints, I want to have less restrictive limits.
But with AspNetCoreRateLimit, this seems not possible. If I define these rules:
Endpoint = "", Period = "1s", Limit = 5
Endpoint = "
:/values, Period = "1s", Limit = 10
then for the /values path the first rule mathes also and is more restrictive, so that will always be chosen.

So when you want some endpoints to be more restrictive, that would be possible,
but some less restrictive is not possible.

Or am I missing something?
Else, this is a feature request :-)

Regards, Jaap

Any news on this?