stefanprodan / AspNetCoreRateLimit

ASP.NET Core rate limiting middleware

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

TTL being removed from Redis objects

tommymonk opened this issue · comments

We've been experiencing an issue where users are being blocked unexpectedly, it seems to us that the TTL of the redis objects is somehow being (re)set to -1 which means the counter becomes permanent.

We're using "Azure Cache For Redis" so I'm not sure the if this is a bug or incompatibility. When objects are created and we're watching they seem to have a valid TTL.

We haven't been able to reproduce the issue running locally, even pointing at the Azure cache.


I have also seen this periodically and have the exact same setup. I havn't been able to narrow down how this happens either.

I am also on Azure Redis. We had a client getting 429. The limit was applied over 4h. However, the client had been getting all requests denied for the last 2 days.

I have logs showing the count continuing to past the expected reset interval.

We observed the same issue, which resulted in some clients being blocked indefinitely, effectively causing a complete downtime for them even though they did not hit the specified API limits. We disabled rate limiting completely for now because of this - though I am aware we could use the provided custom strategy in the linked PR as a workaround.

Any chance the linked PR could be reviewed/merged in the near future? Let me know if I can help in any way.

Edit: my current best guess for why this is happening: Maybe the redis script execution gets aborted for whatever reason between calling INCRBYFLOAT and calling TTL. This would lead to the scenario where we never set the TTL at all for this key.