stefanpenner / es6-promise

A polyfill for ES6-style Promises

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

ES6 Promise is not updating my props/state

khurrams84 opened this issue · comments

ES6 Promise is not updating my props/state

Sorry, you will need to provide additional information. Examples, etc. The issue as provided is not actionable.

you can go to You can see whole project. this is currently my updated code for whole project. Ignore my ReadMe. file. I am new to GitHub.

When I am changing the checkbox props are not getting updated and I am getting same what I got initiallay.

Hope this gives you better picture.

It's not clear to me this is an issue with es6-promise. Can you explain why you believe it is? Debugging your app, without further explanation of whats-up doesn't really seem in scope of this project.

Sorry, this seems to have gone stale. I would love to help but require the above mentioned information. (will reopen if provided)