StefanJum / IDP-Proiect

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


1. Portainer

  • Description: Portainer is a lightweight management UI for Docker environments.
  • Access: Access the Portainer dashboard at http://localhost:9443.
  • Credentials: No credentials required.

2. PostgreSQL Database

  • Description: PostgreSQL database for storing application data.
  • Credentials:
    • Username: postgres
    • Password: postgres
    • Database: database

3. IO Service

  • Description: Microservice for handling IO operations.
  • Dependencies: Depends on PostgreSQL database.
  • Endpoints:
    • /io/users: Retrieve users data.
    • /io/reservations: Retrieve reservations data.
    • /io/workspaces: Retrieve workspaces data.

4. Authentication Service

  • Description: Microservice for user authentication and authorization.
  • Dependencies: Depends on PostgreSQL database.
  • Endpoints:
    • /auth/register: Register a new user.
    • /auth/login: User login to generate authentication token.
    • /auth/logout: User logout to invalidate token.
    • /auth/users: Retrieve users data.

5. Flask Service

  • Description: Microservice providing backend functionality.
  • Dependencies: Depends on IO Service for data operations.
  • Endpoints:
    • /api/workspace: Create a new workspace.
    • /api/workspace/<workspace_id>: Delete a workspace.
    • /api/workspaces: List all workspaces.
    • /api/reservation: Make a new reservation.
    • /api/reservations/<user_id>: List all reservations for a user.
    • /api/reservation/<reservation_id>: Delete a reservation.
    • /api/available-slots/<workspace_id>: Check available time slots for a workspace.

6. Kong

  • Description: Kong API gateway for managing API traffic.
  • Routes:
    • Authentication Service endpoints.
      • /auth/register
      • /auth/login
      • /auth/logout
      • /auth/users
    • Flask Service endpoints.
      • /api/workspace
      • /api/workspace/<workspace_id>
      • /api/workspaces
      • /api/reservation
      • /api/reservations/<user_id>
      • /api/reservation/<reservation_id>
      • /api/available-slots/<workspace_id>
    • IO Service endpoints.
      • /io/users
      • /io/reservations
      • /io/workspaces
  • Access: Routes can be accessed through Kong API gateway.

7. Grafana

  • Description: Grafana for monitoring and analyzing metrics.
  • Access: Access Grafana dashboard at http://localhost:3000.
  • Credentials:
    • Username: admin
    • Password: admin

8. Prometheus

  • Description: Prometheus for monitoring metrics.
  • Access: Access Prometheus dashboard at http://localhost:9090.

Setup Instructions

Install docker*, download the docker-compose.yml file and run docker deploy -c docker-compose.yml stack-name.



Language:Python 87.7%Language:Dockerfile 12.3%