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Does still work for you?

ryancwalsh opened this issue Β· comments

Thanks for that article!

I'm in a similar situation.

I'd love to use the free Vercel Hobby plan. I could use my $6/mo Digital Ocean server, but I'd need to upgrade its Ubuntu, which would be a pain.

To get your solution working I needed this advice: puppeteer/puppeteer#11052 (comment)

Now it builds fine.

But when I try on Vercel, I still get the timeout.

Does it still work for you these days?


I wish to know likewise, bump. Currently im using render, but the 12 minute timeout is pain. So before i change to vercel i need to confirm. Thank you!

Hey friends! πŸ‘‹

It's a bit odd, that you're hijacking the issues here. πŸ˜… The code is open source and runs right now on vercel. And it works as you see on

Does it still work for you these days?

Yes, as mentioned, it's running in production on vercel as we speak. πŸ‘‡ Here's the code.

So before i change to vercel i need to confirm.

The code is linked above and give it a try. :)