stefanjudis / tiny-helpers

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Favor/bookmark tools

mschwandt98 opened this issue · comments

I would like to see that you can bookmark (locally) your favourite tools. In this way you can find them even faster next time on tiny-helpers. Yeaaah you could bookmark them in your browser too, but it would be a nice feature.

Hello @masc-98, I'm not sure I understand what you're asking for.

You can always bookmark any URL on your machine. :)

I'm closing here for now. Feel free to give more explanation. :)

Sry, my english isn't that good.. ^^
Yeah i know. I mean that you have a section on the website, where you can see your booksmarks. It is clear that you can bookmark web pages in the browser, but bookmarking directly on tiny-helpers would be a "nice-to-have". You could store all bookmarks for example in cookies

@masc-98 Yeah, I think I understand what you mean.

It's covered in this issue. #118 And maybe one day I'll make it to implement it. :)