stefandoorn / sitemap-plugin

Sitemap Plugin for Sylius eCommerce platform

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Incompatible with Twig 3.x due to spaceless tag

wdttilburg opened this issue · comments


The spaceless tag is used in two twig templates:

  • src/Resources/views/index.xml.twig
  • src/Resources/views/show.xml.twig

This is deprecated in Twig 2.7 and removed in Twig 3.0, causing an error when generating the sitemap.

I ran into this issue with version sitemap-plugin v2.0.1

I see I changed that already in master: fd679af.

Not released yet, I'll have a look soon whether I can tag a new version to include this. Downside is that change doesn't allow people to use Twig <2.9 anymore, although I'm not sure that is a big issue..

That indeed solves it

Did some maintenance today, will look into a new release soon.