stefandoorn / sitemap-plugin

Sitemap Plugin for Sylius eCommerce platform

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

update recipes

Snowbaha opened this issue · comments


You should update the recipies with the good config file name :)

I stuck for 1 hour to undersntand it is missing the "a" in config.yaml

AND Update Readme with good command

It is

$ php bin/console sylius:sitemap:generate

not with "-index" in the alpha5 for me.

Are you able to submit a PR for both things?

I think the recipe links to version 1.0, and the file extension got changed in v2.

I don't really know how it works. I wanted to change but I think it can break the 1.* so maybe when you will do the v2 stable ?

I actually have no clue myself either, someone else provided that PR to Symfony. @Margauxfeslard could you be of help here to us?

@vvasiloi merged it I see :-)

Thanks @ehibes !