stefandoorn / google-tag-manager-plugin

Google Tag Manager plugin for Sylius eCommerce Platform

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OOM when adding channel

wldjfr opened this issue · comments


Can't add a new channel, getting OOM even with memory_limit at -1

Can you show me what command / action you are running?


Just creating a new channel through the admin/channels/ page

Ok. But then I'm not sure it's due to this plugin, or something else. This plugin is not hooking into anything in the admin - mainly frontend shop output.


i don't look deeper but removing this plugin solve my issue.

Ok. I will try to take a look whether I also have this behaviour in my test environment.


Great, thanks for your reply anyway

Found the issue: using channel context inside the admin (it shouldn't). I will look into a fix. Also files a bug in Sylius: Sylius/Sylius#8538. It's kind of unexpected behavior I think.

Found the issue. Another improvement will be to not render all things GTM stuff in the admin anyway.