stefanbauer / ignition-laracasts-tab

A laracasts tab integration for Ignition

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Always 'Searching for: "exception"'.

axit-joost opened this issue · comments

No matter what type of error, it always ends up 'Searching for: "exception"', yielding the same result.

@axit-joost Thanks for creating an issue! It seems that I can't reproduce your case. Could be more specific about what kind of exception your throwing?

This is an example of what I see
Screenshot 2019-09-04 at 22 38 49

@axit-joost So it seems something went wrong with compiling the correct assets and pushing that in the release. We releases a new version v0.2.0 which should fix this for you!

Let me know if you have any troubles after updating to the new version :)