steamship-core / python-client

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Steamship widget chat does not respond with 2.17.8

MikPoik opened this issue · comments

When calling the answer api, I get error: {"status":{"state":"failed","statusMessage":"[ERROR - POST /answer] Object of type Block is not JSON serializable"}}

It worked yesterday with version 2.17.7

Now steamship widget chat just gets stuck loading response

When calling with local ship serve api, the error is:
INFO:root:REQUEST [POST] /answer
INFO:root:Completed agent run. Result: 1 blocks. 63 total text length. Emitting on 1 functions.
INFO:root:Emitting via function: save_for_emit
ERROR:root:Object of type Block is not JSON serializable
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "c:\code\python\steamship\partner-ai\venv38\lib\site-packages\steamship\invocable\", line 106, in internal_handler

Problem on my end..