stclib / STC

A modern, user friendly, generic, type-safe and fast C99 container library: String, Vector, Sorted and Unordered Map and Set, Deque, Forward List, Smart Pointers, Bitset and Random numbers.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Directory structure so that not all files are in include paths

Kamilcuk opened this issue · comments

The current build scripts add the root directory of the project to include paths, ex in here:

g++ -I.. -O3 -o cdeq_benchmark.exe   cdeq_benchmark.cpp

This adds all files in the repository to include paths, all files, which for example causes erroneous code to compile, ex:

#include <docs/>   // it is in include path...

Please consider moving stc directory inside some ex. src or include directory.

This affects projects that would want to use this repo via just cloning and adding to include path.

Thanks, it is on my TODO. I Will soon make a Release V2.0 RC, where it will be included and the API should be stable.

I did here some commits: just for fun (I was learning github-actions templates), may it serve as an example

Great. The library needs a proper build setup and a test suite. It is still quite small and simple to deploy, but it has lots of functionality that is not covered by benchmarks and examples.

Moved .h files to include/stc folder.