statsd / statsd

Daemon for easy but powerful stats aggregation

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Support per unit bucket boundaries

yux0 opened this issue · comments

Currently, we are on Go sdk v0.30.0 and implement a customized aggregator selector to support per unit bucket boundaries. sample.

I am trying to upgrade to v0.33.0 and do not find a way to matchInstrumentUnit. Is there support of per unit bucket boundaries in v0.33.0?

I'm guessing this is the reason you closed the ticket, but just want to comment for anyone else who may come across this later. This repo is for the statsd daemon service, we don't maintain any sdks here, those are all created and supported by other people.

Sorry we couldn't be more help, I know nothing about Go!