statnet / tergm

Fit, Simulate and Diagnose Models for Network Evolution Based on Exponential-Family Random Graph Models

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Release tergm 4.1

krivit opened this issue · comments

Checklist before submitting to CRAN

Directions for use

  1. Create an appropriately named issue (e.g., "Release package version version.").
  2. Copy-paste this file into the issue text to provide the checklist functionality.
  3. After a commit directly pursuant to a checkbox item, uncheck all checkboxes below it.
  4. After any other commit to master branch, uncheck all boxes from the "master branch" section down.
  5. After any other commit to *release* branch, uncheck boxes from the "Release branch" section down.
  6. Close the issue after all boxes are checked.

master branch

  • Issues identified on CRAN check page (typically have all been fixed.
  • DESCRIPTION: Package's CRAN dependencies require a recent CRAN version.
  • DESCRIPTION: Package's dependencies that are a part of R core (base, datasets, grDevices, methods, splines, stats4, tools, utils, compiler, graphics, grid, parallel, stats, tcltk, translations) do not specify a version.
  • DESCRIPTION: Package's dependencies that are usually shipped with R (KernSmooth, Matrix, MASS, class, nnet, spatial, boot, cluster, codetools, foreign, lattice, mgcv, nlme, rpart, survival) do not specify a version unless necessary.
  • All tickets associated with the release's milestone have been resolved.
  • The stubs file in inst/include/ is up to date if needed.
  • man-roxygen/ templates have been synchronised.
  • Roxygen has been run on the package since last commit to code, documentation, or DESCRIPTION.
  • Relevant tutorials run satisfactorily.
  • inst/NEWS.Rd: file is up to date: none of the commits since the last commit to explicitly mention updating the NEWS file are newsworthy.
  • LICENSE: license refers to the correct package.
  • LICENSE: affiliations are up to date.
  • LICENSE: copyright year range is correct.
  • All files that should have copyright headers have them. Generally, it never hurts to rerun addcopyheaders to ensure this.
  • All GitHub Action R-CMD-check.yaml tests pass.

Release branch

  • Release branch has had the latest master merged into it. (git checkout *release*; git merge master)
  • DESCRIPTION: There are no Remotes: directives (unless releasing simultaneously).
  • DESCRIPTION: Release branch's version number does not have commit number attached to it.
  • DESCRIPTION: Date is today.
  • CITATION: update_CITATION has been run after installing all the mentioned packages from the release branch.
  • All files in the release branch have been committed and pushed to GitHub.
  • R-CMD-check.yaml: Flag strict is set for all jobs, and they pass.
  • R-CMD-check.yaml: Flag vignettes is set for all jobs, and they pass. (Note: sometimes Windows LaTeX seems to fail.)
  • R-CMD-check.yaml: Flag remote is set for at least some jobs, and they pass.
  • Reverse dependency checks pass unless breakage known.
  • *pkg*.tar.gz: the candidate submission file is from the latest version of the release branch.
  • *pkg*.tar.gz: R CMD check passes with ENABLE_statnet_TESTS=yes environment variable and --run-donttest.
  • *pkg*.tar.gz: R CMD check passes with --as-cran option without WARNINGs.
  • *pkg*.tar.gz: R CMD check passes with --use-valgrind option without memory errors.
  • *pkg*.tar.gz: rchk static code analysis passes.
  • *pkg*.tar.gz: R CMD check passes on the previous stable release (unless there is a good reason to require the latest R).
  • *pkg*.tar.gz: R CMD check passes Win-Builder (
  • *pkg*.tar.gz: R CMD check passes with MacOS builder (

After release

  • Release branch corresponding to the package on CRAN has been tagged with the exact CRAN version and pushed to GitHub.

Since the bugs in ergm that were breaking tergm have been fixed, the release is not as urgent but should still probably happen before Sunbelt. @martinamorris , @chad-klumb , @sgoodreau , @smjenness , anything else that needs to go into this release?

Nothing I'm aware of.

Nothing that @chad-klumb is not aware of.

There are a bunch of issues that I filed last year when updating the TERGM workshop. Most seem to be in some limbo state, with a discussion that did not resolve. It might be worth having a meeting to see if we can resolve these and close them out -- if that can be scheduled in the next week.

There are a bunch of issues that I filed last year when updating the TERGM workshop. Most seem to be in some limbo state, with a discussion that did not resolve. It might be worth having a meeting to see if we can resolve these and close them out -- if that can be scheduled in the next week.

Unfortunately, this overlapped with intensive teaching on my part, so we were not able to come to a final resolution of many of these. However, as far as I can tell, none are critical for the release.

db7a1b6 submitted to CRAN as 4.1.0.

db7a1b6 on CRAN as 4.1.0.