statnet / tergm

Fit, Simulate and Diagnose Models for Network Evolution Based on Exponential-Family Random Graph Models

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Release tergm 4.1.1.

krivit opened this issue · comments

Checklist before submitting to CRAN

Directions for use

  1. Create an appropriately named issue (e.g., "Release package version version.").
  2. Copy-paste this file into the issue text to provide the checklist functionality.
  3. After a commit directly pursuant to a checkbox item, uncheck all checkboxes below it.
  4. After any other commit to master branch, uncheck all boxes from the "master branch" section down.
  5. After any other commit to *release* branch, uncheck boxes from the "Release branch" section down.
  6. Close the issue after all boxes are checked.

master branch

  • Issues identified on CRAN check page (typically have all been fixed.
  • DESCRIPTION: Package's CRAN dependencies require a recent CRAN version.
  • DESCRIPTION: Package's dependencies that are a part of R core (base, datasets, grDevices, methods, splines, stats4, tools, utils, compiler, graphics, grid, parallel, stats, tcltk, translations) do not specify a version.
  • DESCRIPTION: Package's dependencies that are usually shipped with R (KernSmooth, Matrix, MASS, class, nnet, spatial, boot, cluster, codetools, foreign, lattice, mgcv, nlme, rpart, survival) do not specify a version unless necessary.
  • All tickets associated with the release's milestone have been resolved.
  • The stubs file in inst/include/ is up to date if needed.
  • man-roxygen/ templates have been synchronised.
  • Roxygen has been run on the package since last commit to code, documentation, or DESCRIPTION.
  • Relevant tutorials run satisfactorily.
  • inst/NEWS.Rd: file is up to date: none of the commits since the last commit to explicitly mention updating the NEWS file are newsworthy.
  • LICENSE: license refers to the correct package.
  • LICENSE: affiliations are up to date.
  • LICENSE: copyright year range is correct.
  • All files that should have copyright headers have them. Generally, it never hurts to rerun addcopyheaders to ensure this.
  • All GitHub Action R-CMD-check.yaml tests pass.

Release branch

  • Release branch has had the latest master merged into it. (git checkout *release*; git merge master)
  • DESCRIPTION: There are no Remotes: directives (unless releasing simultaneously).
  • DESCRIPTION: Release branch's version number does not have commit number attached to it.
  • DESCRIPTION: Date is today.
  • CITATION: update_CITATION has been run after installing all the mentioned packages from the release branch.
  • All files in the release branch have been committed and pushed to GitHub.
  • R-CMD-check.yaml: Flag strict is set for all jobs, and they pass.
  • R-CMD-check.yaml: Flag vignettes is set for all jobs, and they pass. (Note: sometimes Windows LaTeX seems to fail.)
  • R-CMD-check.yaml: Flag remote is set for at least some jobs, and they pass.
  • Reverse dependency checks pass unless breakage known.
  • *pkg*.tar.gz: the candidate submission file is from the latest version of the release branch.
  • *pkg*.tar.gz: R CMD check passes with ENABLE_statnet_TESTS=yes environment variable and --run-donttest.
  • *pkg*.tar.gz: R CMD check passes with --as-cran option without WARNINGs.
  • *pkg*.tar.gz: R CMD check passes with --use-valgrind option without memory errors.
  • *pkg*.tar.gz: rchk static code analysis passes.
  • *pkg*.tar.gz: R CMD check passes on the previous stable release (unless there is a good reason to require the latest R).
  • *pkg*.tar.gz: R CMD check passes Win-Builder (
  • *pkg*.tar.gz: R CMD check passes with MacOS builder (

After release

  • Release branch corresponding to the package on CRAN has been tagged with the exact CRAN version and pushed to GitHub.

b22171c on CRAN as 4.1.1.