statelyai / xstate-tools

Public monorepo for XState tooling

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Values from `state` and `service` stores in `useMachine` hook are different in types

alexamy opened this issue · comments

Hi! Next examples will be in Svelte, but React version has the same problem too.

I should mention that I am confused with distinction between service and state values from useMachine hook, it would be great to someone explain it or point to specific part of the docs about it.


Looks like $state and $service values, being referentially equal, may be different in types.



import { createMachine } from 'xstate';

export const machine = createMachine({
  initial: 'main',
  tsTypes: {} as import("./machine.typegen").Typegen0,
  schema: {
    events: {} as { type: 'event' },
    actions: {} as { type: 'action' },
  states: { main: {} },
  on: {
    'event': { actions: ['action'] },


<script lang="ts">
  import { useMachine } from '@xstate/svelte';
  import type { StateFrom } from 'xstate';
  import { machine } from './machine';

  const { state, service } = useMachine(machine, {
    actions: {
      'action': () => {},

  function stateIdentity(state: StateFrom<typeof machine>) {
    return state;

  const state1 = stateIdentity($state);
  const state2 = stateIdentity($service); // types not ok

<!-- equals true, but ts complains -->
state === service: <b>{$state === $service}</b>


Typescript treats $state and $service as the same.


Typescript complains about $service value.


Move action implementation in a machine definition, like here.


Typescript warning

Argument of type 'State<unknown, { type: "event"; }, any, { value: any; context: unknown; }, MarkAllImplementationsAsProvided<ResolveTypegenMeta<Typegen0, { type: "event"; }, BaseActionObject, ServiceMap>>>' is not assignable to parameter of type 'State<unknown, { type: "event"; }, any, { value: any; context: unknown; }, ResolveTypegenMeta<Typegen0, { type: "event"; }, BaseActionObject, ServiceMap>>'.
  The types of 'machine.getStateNodes' are incompatible between these types.
    Type '(state: StateValue | State<unknown, { type: "event"; }, any, { value: any; context: unknown; }, MarkAllImplementationsAsProvided<ResolveTypegenMeta<Typegen0, { type: "event"; }, BaseActionObject, ServiceMap>>>) => StateNode<...>[]' is not assignable to type '(state: StateValue | State<unknown, { type: "event"; }, any, { value: any; context: unknown; }, ResolveTypegenMeta<Typegen0, { type: "event"; }, BaseActionObject, ServiceMap>>) => StateNode<...>[]'.
      Types of parameters 'state' and 'state' are incompatible.
        Type 'StateValue | State<unknown, { type: "event"; }, any, { value: any; context: unknown; }, ResolveTypegenMeta<Typegen0, { type: "event"; }, BaseActionObject, ServiceMap>>' is not assignable to type 'StateValue | State<unknown, { type: "event"; }, any, { value: any; context: unknown; }, MarkAllImplementationsAsProvided<ResolveTypegenMeta<Typegen0, { type: "event"; }, BaseActionObject, ServiceMap>>>'.
          Type 'State<unknown, { type: "event"; }, any, { value: any; context: unknown; }, ResolveTypegenMeta<Typegen0, { type: "event"; }, BaseActionObject, ServiceMap>>' is not assignable to type 'StateValue | State<unknown, { type: "event"; }, any, { value: any; context: unknown; }, MarkAllImplementationsAsProvided<ResolveTypegenMeta<Typegen0, { type: "event"; }, BaseActionObject, ServiceMap>>>'.
            Type 'State<unknown, { type: "event"; }, any, { value: any; context: unknown; }, ResolveTypegenMeta<Typegen0, { type: "event"; }, BaseActionObject, ServiceMap>>' is not assignable to type 'State<unknown, { type: "event"; }, any, { value: any; context: unknown; }, MarkAllImplementationsAsProvided<ResolveTypegenMeta<Typegen0, { type: "event"; }, BaseActionObject, ServiceMap>>>'.
              The types of 'machine.__TResolvedTypesMeta' are incompatible between these types.
                Type 'ResolveTypegenMeta<Typegen0, { type: "event"; }, BaseActionObject, ServiceMap>' is not assignable to type 'MarkAllImplementationsAsProvided<ResolveTypegenMeta<Typegen0, { type: "event"; }, BaseActionObject, ServiceMap>>'.

Use case

I want to make typesafe children lookup, which is not typed as far as I know. Example:

function getActor(state: StateFrom<typeof machine>) {
  const actor = state.children.someActor;
  if(!actor) throw new Error('Some actor is not defined or spawned yet.');

  return actor as unknown as InterpreterFrom<typeof actorMachine>;