stasic / mal-dnssearch

Compare multiple log formats against malware reputation lists.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Mal-dnssearch is a robust shell script that compares IP and DNS
addresses in logs against malware (and related) reputation data.
It reports any matches and supports many log formats.

Tested with Bash on OpenBSD, FreeBSD, Mac OSX, and Ubuntu.


Edit the Makefile or use the defaults to install the script.
The default is to install to /usr/local/mal-dnssearch. A symlink is then created in /usr/bin so that mal-dnssearch will most likely be in your PATH.

To install use:

sudo make install

To uninstall use:

sudo make uninstall

Supported Logs (parses DNS names only):

Specify log type with -T <type>. This is used to parse the file correctly.
-f is then required to specify the log file to read.

Type: Description:
argus ARGUS file (requires user data i.e. setting ARGUS_CAPTURE_DATA_LEN)
bind ISC's BIND query log file
bro BRO-IDS dns.log file
custom ip - Custom file - IP addresses, one per line.
custom dns - Custom file - DNS (with one DNS name per line w/o trailing FQDN dot)
hosts /etc/hosts file
httpry HttPry log file
passivedns PassiveDNS log file
tcpdump Tcpdump pcap file
tshark Tshark pcap file
sonicwall SonicWall NSA log file (via syslog)

Is your log not supported? E-mail me a sample, I'll add it.

Supported Malware Host Lists:

Default is (DNS list) when -M is not specified.

List: Description:
custom Custom, one IP entry per line
snort (IP)
et_ips (IP)
alienvault (BIG file) (IP)
botcc (IP)
tor (IP)
rbn (IP)
malhosts (DNS)
malips (IP)
ciarmy (IP)
mayhemic (DNS)
mandiant (DNS)

Todo (not ranked):

  • Add iptables, PF, and IPFW support to block matches
  • Allow multiple log files and types to be specified at once
  • Add/fix counters
  • More efficient parsing
  • Added two verbosity options
  • Add support for more logs (e-mail me with request and log sample)
  • Read in alternative lists e.g. Emerging Threats, CIArmy
  • Check for necessary programs where needed e.g. bro-cut, ra, tcpdump, tshark
  • Ability to read in file with IPs instead of names
  • Add skip download option
  • Option to edit/change URLs in the script
  • Add cron mode option
  • Rewrite script in Python or C
  • Add option to download list only
  • See if you can read from the Collective Intelligence Framework database
  • Try optimizing with Gnu Parallel
  • See if there's a Team Cymru list to match against.
  • Add option to combine all IP and DNS lists into a single IP or DNS list. e.g. --all [dns|ip]
  • Add lists: *
  • Read from exported Sguil event logs
  • Rewrite log options to use -L
  • Rewrite malware host lists options to -M
  • Replace awk with wc -l for line counting because it's much faster
  • Add apache logs
  • Fix "0 out of 0 entries matched" on second run bug
  • Add whitelist option to mal-dns2bro


Non-mandatory options:

-w accept file with one entry per line or grep regex e.g. -w "dont|match|these", -w whitelist.txt
-l Log stdout & stderr to file e.g. -l /var/log/output.log
-F block matched hosts w/ firewall, 3 available: iptables, pf, ipfw e.g. -F pf
-N skip file download
-p Pass downloaded file to stdout to pipe to other programs e.g.
-M mayhemic -p | mal-dns2bro -T dns >
-v Print line from mal-host list as its processed for debugging
-V Print each line from the log file as its processed for debugging

Usage: ./mal-dnssearch -T <type> -f <logfile> [-M <list>] [-w whitelist] [-l out.log] [-F firewall] [-N] [-vV]


./ -M mandiant (Downloads file only)
./ -T tshark -f dns.pcap
./ -T passivedns -f /var/log/passivedns/dmz.log -w whitelist.txt
./ -T bro -f /usr/local/bro/logs/current/dns.log \
	-w "||google|facebook" -l dns.results.log
./ -T bro -f /usr/local/bro/logs/current/dns.log -F iptables -l dns.results.log
./ -T argus -f dns.argus -M malhosts -F iptables -l dns.results.log
./ -T custom-ip -f iplist.log -M snort -l ip.results.log -N -v
./ -T custom-ip -f iplist.log -M mandiant -l ip.results.log


Jon Schipp (keisterstash)
More info
jonschipp [ at ] Gmail dot com,


Compare multiple log formats against malware reputation lists.


Language:Shell 100.0%