stascorp / rdpwrap

RDP Wrapper Library

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Service state Stopped & Listener State Not Listening

itzD0GE opened this issue · comments

Server: Windows server 2008 R2 Enterprise
Hyper-V: VM: Windows10 Pro

Everything was working fine until windows 10 pro downloaded updates now after updated RDWW stopped working.

Here is the scope, I am already running 1.6.1, If i uninstall RDPW and run the RDPwconfig both Service and Listener are working they show green.

as soon as I install RDPWrapper the Wrapper state says Installed but the service goes to Stopped and the Listener state go to Not Listening [Fully supported]

I have done everything for the love of god and still cant get it all green.
where i stand now is the RDP works for one user only when wrapper is not installed.
when wrapper is installed it all is disabled.

I have tried to run the services manually but that doesnt make the wrapper show green.

any ideas?

here is a screen shot:

everyhting is up to date with RDPwrapper:

Try enable logging for RDP Wrapper.

  • Create an empty file C:\rdpwrap.txt at your root system directory.
  • Then reboot / restart TermService using RDPWInst -r

Just did that and file is empty

This could mean only one thing - terminal service is not started at all, maybe due to Anti-Virus software or something like that.

Run sc query TermService and see the output for error codes

I uninstalled all antivirus and disabled windows firewall

C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\RDPWrap-v1.6.1>sc query TermService

WIN32_EXIT_CODE : 0 (0x0)


right now wrapper is not installed
let me install it and run query

Ok just installed it.
Next step run query.

Ok query run here is the result:


Win32 exit code is 5 which means "Access denied".

it was working before the update perhaps update changed permissions on a file?
if so what file do i need to change permissions? I am full Local and Domain Admin so it should not deny access right?

The NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM must have access to the C:\Program Files\RDP Wrapper\ directory and all files in it.

If Access Control List to the directory and files is configured correctly, then it's still anti-virus problem (try disabling integrated Smart Screen and Windows Defender services).

ok disabled smartscreen, disabled win defender,
disabled firewall
checked permissions on folder c:\Program Files\ RDP Wapper\

SYSTEM had zero permissions in folder
Gave permissions
Now ITs running


SYSTEM had zero permissions in folder
Gave permissions
Now ITs running

I'm glad you're solved the issue!

I'll add this to FAQ in README later.

I've the same problem from today morning.
I Always worked with Windows 10 pro, Windows smartscreen and firewall enabled, Kaspersky Internet Security enabled.

Now it stops working without a reason. I disabled everything and exit from kaspersky, I checked permission of SYSTEM in the folder... but nothing... Service State is always Stopped!

Now it stops working without a reason. I disabled everything and exit from kaspersky, I checked permission of SYSTEM in the folder... but nothing... Service State is always Stopped!

sc query TermService

it says status is stopped, and exit_code 5.
Sometimes I got it working trying uninstaling and installing in different ways, such as in system32 folder... but when I restart it brokes again

I need to DELETE rdpwrap.dll and rdpwrap.ini from System32 Folder (if any). Then install with online installation to download that file in Program folder. So I uninstall LEAVING settings and then reinstall in System32. It should works now, at most it needs to restart service.
But after some reboots, it brokes again.

it says status is stopped, and exit_code 5.

This is antivirus problem, add RDP Wrapper folder to exclusions (or system32).

Maybe... but it's not so clear and I'm going to explain why:

  • I always had KIS installed and I always had RDP in whitelist till today
  • Nothing has changed from yesterday (except for some daily antivirus DB update)
  • I tried with KIS, Windows Defender and firewall disabled, but no success anyway.

While, if I delete rdp config in system folder and repeat the installation, even with KIS enabled, it starts to work again... but not forever.

Probably is Kaspersky's fault, but I can't understand its behavior

Thank you so much, worked for me to!!
In my case not the permission of the Folder, but the permission to rdpwrap.ddl was the Problem.

Hi all,Thank you! the problem decided to set the permissions rdpwrap.dll, the right to give the SERVICE. Then the termservice is started.


just for fun, I ran sc query termservice and got the following

SERVICE_NAME: termservice
        TYPE               : 20  WIN32_SHARE_PROCESS
        STATE              : 4  RUNNING
                                (STOPPABLE, NOT_PAUSABLE, ACCEPTS_SHUTDOWN)
        WIN32_EXIT_CODE    : 0  (0x0)
        SERVICE_EXIT_CODE  : 0  (0x0)
        CHECKPOINT         : 0x0
        WAIT_HINT          : 0x0

I hope this is of some use.

Hello, I'm having the same issue.
Already disabled anti-virus, checked permissions in RDP folder and tried to manually start TermService, when rdpwrap is installed it gives me error code 5, when it's uninstalled it starts fine.
I can't check rdpwrap.dll permissions, it's saying that I don't have permission read the file (I'm in an admin) so I think that's the problem, but I can't find a way to fix it.

EDIT: The rdpwrap.dll file can't be deleted or changed by using uninstall.bat or update.bat. I fixed it by deleting the rdpwrap.dll that didn't have any permissions, rebooting my PC and them running install.bat

When I executed "RDPCheck.exe", it showed my PC's login screen,
then entered with my password, it showed "My access was refused".

RDP Wrapper Configuration is all green:
Wrapper state: Installed
Service state: Running
Listener state: Listening

My OS is Windows 10 Home edition, version 1803 (OS Build 17134.112)

I tried following:
・I set all the permissions of SYSTEM, Administrators and read and write of NETWORK SERVICE of the folders "C:\Program Files\RDP Wrapper" and "C:\Users...\Desktop\RDPWrap-v1.6.2"
・I ran this command "sc query TermService" and got :
TYPE : 30 WIN32
WIN32_EXIT_CODE : 0 (0x0)

What should I do? sorry for my English.

Hi Guys,

Been going round in circles for over a week now. Any suggestions would be appreciated.

It's a VM, using the same ISO on physical works OK but every time in virtual 3389 is missing and a few others.

W10 Enterprise 1803 17134.165


Also a solution with the most recent .168 update of windows 10 pro;) thanks!!

Thank you so much, worked for me to!!
In my case not the permission of the Folder, but the permission to rdpwrap.ddl was the Problem.

This has solved my issue. Many thanks

Hi Guys

I also have similar problem, but I did not have seen similar number in WIN_32_EXIT_CODE = 1067.

Could you provide me with information how to fix this issue :/


Im running into the same issue as above but the service fails to start

I ran sc query termservice and got the following error

TYPE : 30 WIN32
WIN32_EXIT_CODE : 126 (0x7e)

I have the same problem. It was working prior to a reboot I assume a system update must have applied.

I am running Windows 11