stardist / stardist

StarDist - Object Detection with Star-convex Shapes

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Tensforflow to pytorch migration

manerotoni opened this issue · comments

I realized that tensforflow discontinued the support on Windows Native for tensorflow > 2.11 ( This makes stardist on the medium to long term inaccessible to Windows users. Please note that most of the microscopist/biologist that would like to use stardist are using Windows.

From the user side I see following options:

  1. Use lower version on tensorflow (not great as it get you stucked on a version)
  2. Use Linux for training and prediction. Good option, but there is a certain reluctance for windows users to use Linux, so it is harder to deploy in a facility context.
  3. Use WSL2. No experience with this, but it sounds horrible :-( with a lot of overhead. Have you tried it? Is it stable?
  4. Use a different framework. With pytorch the support on Windows work well. For instance cellpose works like a charm. I have seen a few non-official implementation of stardist using pytorch, I never tried them (e.g.,

Do you have any opinion, suggestions, plans?
