standard / atom-standardjs-snippets

:zap: A collection of JavaScript snippets for Atom, Standard Style

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CL keybinding creates "class" instead of console.log()

sdaitzman opened this issue · comments

Atom 1.13.0

it works fine on my end

could you please double check.

@gaboesquivel I am still experiencing the same issue, and I've been noticing it happening more consistently. Is there any information that I could provide that might be helpful, or a way to check if some other completion provider is conflicting?

@sdaitzman weird, this is what I see, it lets me choose

perhaps you have a conflicting plugin? or it is specific OS atom bug ?

默认情况下 snippet 在 IntelliSense 中的显示优先级并不高,而且在 IntelliSense 中选择相应 snippet 需要按「enter」键,这对于手指短的人来说并不是什么很好的体验。所幸,VSCode 意识到了这一点,并为我们提供了改进的方式。

在 VSCode 的用户设置(「Ctrl+P」在输入框中写「user settings」后点选)中,检索代码段,然后根据提示修改,设置建议优先显示,并且可以通过「TAB」补全 snippet。
"editor.snippetSuggestions": "top",
"editor.tabCompletion": true,


Is this still relevant? If so, what is blocking it? Is there anything you can do to help move it forward?