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Add a function to return marginal posterior of k

avehtari opened this issue · comments

A few times users have asked how much variability there can be in khat estimate if they would re-run MCMC. We can estimate that by looking at the marginal posterior of k. By re-using existing code (functions in gpdfit.R and nlist from helpers.R), the following code snippet returns vectors of ks and corresponding densities

gpdkpost <- function(x, wip = TRUE, min_grid_pts = 30, sort_x = TRUE) {
  # See section 4 of Zhang and Stephens (2009)
  if (sort_x) {
    x <-
  N <- length(x)
  prior <- 3
  M <- min_grid_pts + floor(sqrt(N))
  jj <- seq_len(M)
  xstar <- x[floor(N / 4 + 0.5)] # first quartile of sample
  theta <- 1 / x[N] + (1 - sqrt(M / (jj - 0.5))) / prior / xstar
  l_theta <- N * lx(theta, x) # profile log-lik
  ws <- 1 / vapply(jj, FUN.VALUE = numeric(1), FUN = function(j) {
    sum(exp(l_theta - l_theta[j]))
  theta_hat <- sum(theta * ws)
  k <- mean.default(log1p(-theta_hat * x))
  ks <- numeric(length=M)
  for (i in 1:M) {
    ks[i] <- mean.default(log1p(-theta[i] * x))
  sigma <- -k / theta_hat

  if (wip) {
    k <- adjust_k_wip(k, n = N)

  if (is.nan(k)) {
    k <- Inf

  nlist(k, sigma, ks, ws)

Demonstration with fake data

x <- sort(exp(rnorm(10000)*4),decreasing=TRUE)[1:100]
(foo <- gpdkpost(x))
qplot(q$ks,q$ws)+geom_line()+labs(x="k",y="unnormalized marginal posterior density")


I haven't usually looked at these, as there are so many k's to look at and I have some sense of the variability. But for the users who have not been playing around with Pareto as much, this could be a useful tool to have.

Based on my extensive experiments, no. It just maps the diagnostic to a different scalar, which seems to have weaker discriminatory power. khat seems to be the best single value, but more summary statistics jointly or looking at the marginal will provide more information.

This small PR presents a suggestion to extend the existing gpdfit() function to also return the marginal posterior density of k using the code @avehtari posted above with a few tweaks (cc: @jgabry).

Note: Although the plot above was labeled "unnormalized", my understanding is that the resulting density vector (w_theta) is actually normalized.


x <- sort(exp(rnorm(10000) * 4), decreasing = TRUE)[seq_len(100)]

(gpd <- gpdfit(x)) # updated version

ggplot(mapping = aes(x = gpd$k, y = gpd$w_theta)) +
  geom_point() +
  geom_line() +
    title = "Normalized marginal posterior density of k",
    x = "k",
    y = "Density"
  ) +
  geom_vline(xintercept = gpd$k_hat, color = "red") +
    geom = "label",
    label = as.expression(bquote(hat(k) == .(round(gpd$k_hat, 4)))),
    x = gpd$k_hat,
    y = 0, 
    color = "red",
    size = 3.5
  ) +
  theme_minimal() +
  theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5))


Thanks for the PR! I'll check it soon.

Note: Although the plot above was labeled "unnormalized", my understanding is that the resulting density vector (w_theta) is actually normalized.

The sum of w_theta vector is 1, so that the quadrature weights are normalized, but w_theta are not normalized densities. Your plot makes it easy to check this. The integral (area under the curve) can be approximated by a triangle with the base from 0.5 to 1.25 and the height of 0.13. The area of that triangle is 0.750.13/2 ≈ 0.049 ≠ 1. If the values were normalized densities, the maximum density value in this example should be close to 2.7, so that 0.752.7/2 ≈ 1. To return normalized densities, we could estimate the normalization term quite accurately with the trapezoidal rule (taking into account that the evaluation points are not equidistant).

Sounds good, I added this normalization term estimation with the trapezoidal rule to the PR thread along with a couple of implementation questions.