stagemonitor / stagemonitor

an open source solution to application performance monitoring for java server applications


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IBM JRE: Could not register cpu usage.

jpfourny opened this issue · comments

Error seen in logs:

2018-09-24 14:41:42,507 [WARN] org.stagemonitor.jvm.JvmPlugin | Could not register cpu usage. (java.lang:type=OperatingSystem is not an instance of interface

CPU usage cannot be gathered on IBM JRE because CpuUtilisationWatch relies directly on, which is not available.

An IBM-specific subclass exists, documented here:

Note: The IBM interface exposes two methods, one that returns 100-ns unit, and another in nanoseconds (which should be equivalent to the Sun version). See: getProcessCpuTimeByNS().

Recommendation: Use reflection to access the IBM-specific interface, since you probably won't have it at compile time without an IBM JDK.