ssysm / ble_rgb_led_strip_controller

Control a cheap BLE RGB LED strip controller!

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Control a cheap BLE RGB LED strip controller!


I just got 1.7$ 12V BLE RGB LED strip controller from AliExpress Shop4661053 Store!


The QR code links to an unofficial StripV5.0.1.apk download page.
I found official auraLED app from google play to work!
I read Uri Shaked- Reverse Engineering a Bluetooth Lightbulb and got inspired!
After reverse engineering some commands I found that kquinsland- JACKYLED-BLE-RGB-LED-Strip-controller worked on a similar controller!
Anyway I'll write here what I found- it is still WIP.
My plan is to buy 10+ more units and control them all via a single ESP32 board!



By sniffing ble packets while pressing buttons on the auraLED app,
I reverse engineered most of my controller ble commands.
I was too lazy for the timer commands stuff :)
The app seems to putting garbage on non used bytes of the 9 bytes packet.
Here is an example packet captured while pressing on a green button:


byte description
7e command start
07 don't care (so I use 0 instad)
05 command id (this case set_color)
03 command sub-id (this case rgb color)
00 command arg1 (this case red value)
FF command arg2 (this case green value)
00 command arg3 (this case blue value)
00 don't care (so I use 0 instad)
ef command end


I use the bluetooth-le-explorer open source microsoft app to send commands by simple copy-paste for now.
Simply connect to my controller "ELK-BLEDOM" (be:ff:f0:01:04:a8),
and write the hex command bytes to it's only writeable attribute: 0000fff0-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb.

Controller have 2 states (use set_power command):

states description
on LEDs show current mode colors
off LEDs are off (current mode is saved)

Controller heve 5 modes (use mode commands to change)

modes description
mode_grayscale can set grayscale from black to full white
mode_temperature can set brightness and temperature(cold to warm white)
mode_effect auto color change, can set patterns, brightness and speed
mode_dynamic ? (maybe on-board mic is needed -mine just shows last color)
mode_rgb can set rgb values and brightness



7e 00 01 brightness 00 00 00 00 ef
7e00010a00000000ef 10%
7e00013200000000ef 50%
7e00016400000000ef 100%
brightness: 0-100 (0x00-0x64)

does not work on:

mode_effect: jump gradient blink


7e 00 02 speed 00 00 00 00 ef
7e00020000000000ef 0
7e00020900000000ef 9
7e00026400000000ef 100
speed: 0-100 (0x00-0x64)


7e 00 03 00 01 00 00 00 ef
7e00030001000000ef will show last grayscale color


7e 00 03 temperature 02 00 00 00 ef
7e00038002000000ef cold white
7e00038502000000ef natural white
7e00038a02000000ef warm white
temperature: 128-138 (0x80-0x8a)


7e 00 03 effect 03 00 00 00 ef
7e00038703000000ef jump_rgb
7e00039203000000ef gradient_rg
7e00039503000000ef blink_rgbycmw

effect description
0x80 r (red)
0x81 g (green)
0x82 b (blue)
0x83 y (yellow)
0x84 c (cyan)
0x85 m (magenta)
0x86 w (white)
0x87 jump_rgb
0x88 jump_rgbycmw
0x89 gradient_rgb
0x8a gradient_rgbycmw
0x8b gradient_r
0x8c gradient_g
0x8d gradient_b
0x8e gradient_y
0x8f gradient_c
0x90 gradient_m
0x91 gradient_w
0x92 gradient_rg
0x93 gradient_rb
0x94 gradient_gb
0x95 blink_rgbycmw
0x96 blink_r
0x97 blink_g
0x98 blink_b
0x99 blink_y
0x9a blink_c
0x9b blink_m
0x9c blink_w


7e 00 03 val 04 00 00 00 00 ef
7e00030004000000ef val 0
Did not do anything on my controller (just freeze the current color).


7e 00 04 is_on 00 00 00 00 ef
7e00040000000000ef off
7e00040100000000ef on


7e 00 05 01 grayscale 00 00 00 ef
7e00050100000000ef black
7e00050132000000ef gray
7e00050164000000ef white
grayscale: 0-100 (0x00-0x64)


7e 00 05 02 temperature 00 00 00 ef
7e00050200000000ef cold
7e00050232000000ef natural
7e00050264000000ef warm
temperature: 0-100 (0x00-0x64)

set_color_for_rgb_mode(r, g, b):

7e 00 05 03 r g b 00 ef
7e000503ff000000ef red
7e00050300ff0000ef green
7e0005030000ff00ef blue
r, g, b: 0-255 (0x00-0xff)


7e 00 06 val 00 00 00 00 ef
7e00060000000000ef val 0
Did not do anything on my controller.


7e 00 07 sensitivity 00 00 00 00 ef
7e00070000000000ef sensitivity 0
Did not do anything on my controller.


7e 00 08 rgb_order 00 00 00 00 ef
7e00080100000000ef rgb
rgb_order: 1:rgb 2:rbg 3:grb 4:gbr 5:brg 6:bgr
Did not do anything on my controller.

set_rgb_pin_order(c1 c2 c3):

7e 00 81 c1 c2 c3 00 00 ef
7e00810102030000ef rgb
7e00810302010000ef bgr
c1 c2 c3: (1-3) use each value once!


front back


24C02C: 2K 5V EEPROM.
HT7533: 100mA 3.3V Low Power LDO.
crystal: Seems 12MHz.
XORB 18: Seems like N-Channel Mosfet.
?: BLE SoC...




Control a cheap BLE RGB LED strip controller!

License:GNU General Public License v3.0