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(unofficial) Googletrans: Free and Unlimited Google translate API for Python. Translates totally free of charge.

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Found a Google Translate endpoint that doesn't require an API key.

SuperSonicHub1 opened this issue · comments

This isn't a bug report, just a sharing of some findings while looking through minified source code.

While digging through the source code of Google's Google Dictionary Chrome extension, which has support for translating via Google Translate, I found the endpoint they use in order to do just that. Since googletrans frequently runs into 5xx errors, it might be useful to switch off to another endpoint, although this one is also annoyingly touchy with 403s.



Query Parameters

Query Parameter Default Notes
client dict-chrome-ex Needs to be dict-chrome-ex or else you'll get a 403 error.
sl auto Designates the source language of the text to translate.
tl (none) Designates the destination language of the text to translate.
q (none) Text to translate

Example Response


  "sentences": [
      "trans": "Hello",
      "orig": "bonjour",
      "backend": 1
  "dict": [
      "pos": "interjection",
      "terms": [
        "Good morning!",
        "Good afternoon!",
        "How do you do?",
      "entry": [
          "word": "Hello!",
          "reverse_translation": [
          "score": 0.7316156
          "word": "Hi!",
          "reverse_translation": [
          "score": 0.084690653
          "word": "Good morning!",
          "reverse_translation": [
          "score": 0.065957151
          "word": "Good afternoon!",
          "reverse_translation": [
          "score": 0.02749503
          "word": "How do you do?",
          "reverse_translation": [
            "Ça marche?"
          "word": "Hallo!",
          "reverse_translation": [
          "word": "Hullo!",
          "reverse_translation": [
          "word": "Welcome!",
          "reverse_translation": [
            "Soyez le bienvenu!"
      "base_form": "Bonjour!",
      "pos_enum": 9
  "src": "fr",
  "alternative_translations": [
      "src_phrase": "bonjour",
      "alternative": [
          "word_postproc": "Hello",
          "score": 1000,
          "has_preceding_space": true,
          "attach_to_next_token": false
      "srcunicodeoffsets": [
          "begin": 0,
          "end": 7
      "raw_src_segment": "bonjour",
      "start_pos": 0,
      "end_pos": 0
  "confidence": 0.96875,
  "ld_result": {
    "srclangs": [
    "srclangs_confidences": [
    "extended_srclangs": [
  "query_inflections": [
      "written_form": "bonjour",
      "features": {
        "gender": 1,
        "number": 2
      "written_form": "bonjours",
      "features": {
        "gender": 1,
        "number": 1
      "written_form": "bonjour",
      "features": {
        "number": 2
      "written_form": "bonjours",
      "features": {
        "number": 1

This seems like a great discovery! I'll take a look at this shortly. Thank you so much!

@theonefoster Glad to be of use!

Stopped working for me (403)

@shatteringlass Mentioned that in the initial post:

it might be useful to switch off to another endpoint, although this one is also annoyingly touchy with 403s.

That's why I want this endpoint to be seamlessly integrated into googletrans, with it switching between endpoints if one is facing 4xx/5xx errors.


I found another endpoint within the source code of one of the google translate extensions on VSCode too.

" + params"
// where the params are:
  "sl": source language,
  "tl": destination language,
  "q": the text to translate

The results looks something like this:

[[["こんにちは、今日はお元気ですか?","Hello, how are you today?",null,null,3,null,null,[[]

for the query:, how are you today?

And something like this:


for the query:

When using it only to translate things, I would use it like so:

from json import loads
from requests import get
request_result = get("")
translated_text = loads(request_result.text)[0][0][0]

@Animenosekai Awesome, another endpoint to add. We should probably create a way to house all of these endpoints through one API, perhaps an interface that all of the endpoints implement?

What am I doing wrong?

word = 'لماذا تفعل هذا'
    request_result =""+ word).json()
    print('[In English]: '+ request_result['alternative_translations'][0]['alternative'][0]['word_postproc'])
    print('[Language Dectected]: ' + request_result['src'])


[In English]: Ù „Ù… Ø§Ø ° ا ت٠عل Ù ‡ Ø ° ا
[Language Dectected]: co

why is it outputting it like that?

@NawtJ0sh Why are you making a POST request? It's a GET request you should be making. How does that even return a response?

No idea, it does the exact same thing with requests.get()


No idea, it does the exact same thing with requests.get()

If you try to open it in a browser it seems to work fine:

{"sentences":[{"trans":"Why are you doing this","orig":"لماذا تفعل هذا","backend":1},{"src_translit":"limadha tafeal hdha"}],"src":"ar","alternative_translations":[{"src_phrase":"لماذا تفعل هذا","alternative":[{"word_postproc":"Why are you doing this","score":1000,"has_preceding_space":true,"attach_to_next_token":false}],"srcunicodeoffsets":[{"begin":0,"end":14}],"raw_src_segment":"لماذا تفعل هذا","start_pos":0,"end_pos":0}],"confidence":1,"ld_result":{"srclangs":["ar"],"srclangs_confidences":[1],"extended_srclangs":["ar"]}}

Might be a problem with the decoding, try to use the json module yourself (print request.text() first and print the json formatted version json.loads(request.text()) to see the differences)

It might be because your terminal doesn't support arabic or something like that

Also maybe try to url encode the text before sending it (and use GET as it should not work with POST)


After some testing with the request headers, I found the solution for the garbled text.
Simply set the User-Agent header to the one that Google Chrome uses.


import requests
word = 'لماذا تفعل هذا'
url = "" + word
headers = {
    'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/88.0.4324.104 Safari/537.36'

    request_result = requests.get(url, headers=headers).json()
    print('[In English]: ' + request_result['alternative_translations'][0]['alternative'][0]['word_postproc'])
    print('[Language Dectected]: ' + request_result['src'])


{'sentences': [{'trans': 'Why are you doing this', 'orig': 'لماذا تفعل هذا', 'backend': 1}, {'src_translit': 'limadha tafeal hdha'}], 'src': 'ar', 'alternative_translations': [{'src_phrase': 'لماذا تفعل هذا', 'alternative': [{'word_postproc': 'Why are you doing this', 'score': 1000, 'has_preceding_space': True, 'attach_to_next_token': False}], 'srcunicodeoffsets': [{'begin': 0, 'end': 14}], 'raw_src_segment': 'لماذا تفعل هذا', 'start_pos': 0, 'end_pos': 0}], 'confidence': 1, 'ld_result': {'srclangs': ['ar'], 'srclangs_confidences': [1], 'extended_srclangs': ['ar']}}
[In English]: Why are you doing this
[Language Dectected]: ar

@d4n3436 How interesting. It's almost like a form of copy protection.


@d4n3436 How interesting. It's almost like a form of copy protection.

Maybe that they are retrieving the User-Agent to process some analytics in the bg and that without it it breaks something.

But, I mean, still weird that it gives a gibberish response and that it accepted the POST request


Maybe that they are retrieving the User-Agent to process some analytics in the bg and that without it it breaks something.

It's weird...

If you don't use User-Agent, the response will have an incorrect encoding (ASCII).
If you use a banned User-Agent like curl/7.37.1, you'll get a 403 error page.
But if you use a web browser User-Agent, the response will have a correct encoding (UTF-8).

About the POST request, it seems that the API endpoint allows using POST requests using query parameters instead of a body. This also works with PUT, PATCH, DELETE and OPTIONS (basically all common methods).

if anyone wants to try and get this Bing translator to work that'd be awesome

import requests

url = ''

post_header = {}
post_header['Host'] = ''
post_header['User-Agent'] = 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:52.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/52.0'
post_header['Accept'] = '*/*'
post_header['Accept-Language'] = 'en-US,en;q=0.5'
post_header['Accept-Encoding'] = 'gzip, deflate'
post_header['Referer'] = ''
post_header['Content-Type'] = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'
post_header['Connection'] = 'keep-alive'

parameters_payload = {'IG' : '839D27F8277F4AA3B0EDB83C255D0D70', 'IID' : 'translator.5033.3'}
data_payload = {'text':'Platypus', 'from':'en', 'to':'es'}
resp =, headers=post_header, params=parameters_payload, data=data_payload)


@NawtJ0sh Microsoft might have changed their API since I get back:

{'statusCode': 400} # if this was a http status code, means bad request --> might be because the params don't work anymore

(which is weird since the HTTP status code is 200)


@NawtJ0sh I made a simple API wrapper for Bing Translator in C# some months ago. You can use it and port it.

@NawtJ0sh I made a simple API wrapper for Bing Translator in C# some months ago. You can use it and port it.

Nice! if you could try it with the Yandex translator, that'd be cool!

@NawtJ0sh Microsoft might have changed their API since I get back:

{'statusCode': 400} # if this was a http status code, means bad request --> might be because the params don't work anymore

(which is weird since the HTTP status code is 200)

All that was changed was the 'from' to 'fromLang' haha


Nice! if you could try it with the Yandex translator, that'd be cool!

I actually made one, but unfortunately Yandex has a captcha protection that is triggered after a few uses of their API.


@NawtJ0sh Microsoft might have changed their API since I get back:

{'statusCode': 400} # if this was a http status code, means bad request --> might be because the params don't work anymore

(which is weird since the HTTP status code is 200)

All that was changed was the 'from' to 'fromLang' haha

Lmao, yea I just checked and it worked!

[{'detectedLanguage': {'language': 'en', 'score': 1.0}, 'translations': [{'text': 'Ornitorrinco', 'to': 'es', 'sentLen': {'srcSentLen': [8], 'transSentLen': [12]}}]}]

if anyone wants to try and get this Bing translator to work that'd be awesome

Well here you go:

from json import loads
from requests import post
    "Host": "",
    "User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:52.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/52.0",
    "Accept": "*/*",
    "Accept-Language": "en-US,en;q=0.5",
    "Accept-Encoding": "gzip, deflate",
    "Referer": "",
    "Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
    "Connection": "keep-alive"
PARAMS = {'IG' : '839D27F8277F4AA3B0EDB83C255D0D70', 'IID' : 'translator.5033.3'}

def translate(text, to, fromLang="auto-detect"):
    Translates the given text to the given language using Microsoft's Bing Translation API (ttranslatev3)
    request = post("", headers=HEADERS, params=PARAMS, data={'text': str(text), 'fromLang': str(fromLang), 'to': str(to)})
    if request.status_code < 400:
            return loads(request.text)[0]["translations"][0]["text"]
            return None
        return None

def language(text):
    Gives you back the ISO 639-1 Alpha-2 language code the text has been written in using Microsoft's Bing Translation API (ttranslatev3)

    > The output is a tuple with the language code and the score (confidence)
    request = post("", headers=HEADERS, params=PARAMS, data={'text': str(text), 'fromLang': "auto-detect", 'to': "en"})
    if request.status_code < 400:
            detectedLanguage = loads(request.text)[0]["detectedLanguage"]
            return detectedLanguage["language"], detectedLanguage["score"]
            return None
        return None

Just call

translate("<your text>", "<the ISO 639-1 Alpha-2 language codes (I guess) of the output language>")

Or if you want to know the language of a given text:

language("<your text>")

And it gives you back the result or None if an error occurred.


>>> translate("Hello", "ja")
>>> translate("Hello", "fr")
>>> translate("Hello", "fr", "en")
>>> language("Hello")
('en', 1.0)
>>> language("Hola")
('es', 1.0)

Here is the yandex translate, I worked on last night its just like the one i posted.

import requests

url = ''

post_header = {}
post_header['Accept'] = '*/*'
post_header['Accept-Encoding'] = 'gzip, deflate'
post_header['Accept-Language'] = 'en-US,en;q=0.9'
post_header['Cache-Control'] = 'no-cache'
post_header['Connection'] = 'keep-alive'
post_header['Content-Type'] = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'
post_header['Host'] = ''
post_header['Referer'] = ''
post_header['User-Agent'] = 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/88.0.4324.104 Safari/537.36'

data_payload = {'text': search_str, 'options': '4'}

resp = requests.get(url, headers=post_header, data=data_payload).json()

print(str(resp) + '\n')


I just made a repository which groups all of the APIs if you want (called translate)

Nice you fixed it!! Thank you.


The endpoint now returns a simpler response (translation and detected language).



[[[[["Hola Mundo"]],null,"en"]]]

Formatted response:

                    "Hola Mundo"

@d4n3436 It seems our little operation has been busted by Google. This heavily reminds me of their other obfuscated JSON responses, where arrays are used instead of objects, which makes it hell for us stragglers to trivially parse. Try making more translations in a variety of languages and then share the results with us, as the lengths of the inner arrays may vary.


@SuperSonicHub1 I ran a test program that translates a long text into all the supported languages and the response structure didn't change.

Yeah that Google Dictionary Chrome extension doesn't seem to be working now lol because of this.


Yeah that Google Dictionary Chrome extension doesn't seem to be working now lol because of this.

Do you see any direct issues caused by this on translatepy or does it handle it correctly? (I will test it by myself as soon as possible)


The endpoint now returns a simpler response (translation and detected language).



[[[[["Hola Mundo"]],null,"en"]]]

Formatted response:

                    "Hola Mundo"

I can confirm.

@d4n3436 It seems our little operation has been busted by Google. This heavily reminds me of their other obfuscated JSON responses, where arrays are used instead of objects, which makes it hell for us stragglers to trivially parse. Try making more translations in a variety of languages and then share the results with us, as the lengths of the inner arrays may vary.

An example for Chinese (some random item from a number of files). The input was 语言与词汇的关系. Nesting and structure appear to be the same as for Spanish.

          "The relationship between language and vocabulary"

Well but I mean the most important reminds: we still have the translation and the detected language so it shouldn't be too hard because the scheme is not as obfuscated as the API used nowadays on the Google Translate website (batchexecute)


Well but I mean the most important reminds: we still have the translation and the detected language so it shouldn't be too hard because the scheme is not as obfuscated as the API used nowadays on the Google Translate website (batchexecute)

Yes, and if you are translating in bulk you can just name the output files in a manner that allows you to connect your input with the returned json files, I use simple hash keys. Does any version of the googletrans package allow to pull the extra info these days? I haven't used it in a while. SuperSonicHub1's API URL with bash command line utilities were perfect for my needs.
Happy translating, everyone!

Yeah that Google Dictionary Chrome extension doesn't seem to be working now lol because of this.

Do you see any direct issues caused by this on translatepy or does it handle it correctly? (I will test it by myself as soon as possible)

Have you tested it? To see if there is any errors??


Have you tested it? To see if there is any errors??

There doesn't seem to have any errors for now as it is using the other endpoint first:

Capture d’écran 0003-03-20 à 21 18 51

But I'll try to investigate more into this


Do you see any direct issues caused by this on translatepy or does it handle it correctly? (I will test it by myself as soon as possible)

Have you tested it? To see if there is any errors??

I've uploaded a new version of translatepy with the following fix:

return data[0][0][2], "".join(sentence for sentence in data[0][0][0][0])

which makes it work with this new response format.

Update translatepy with pip install --upgrade translatepy (it should install translatepy v1.5.1)


Seems like a few hours ago @SuperSonicHub1's Google Translate endpoint has started to return the more detailed response structure.


Seems like a few hours ago @SuperSonicHub1's Google Translate endpoint has started to return the more detailed response structure.

... I'll look into it

Wow, seems like its changed back to how it was before...

Could do this....

    return data[0][0][2], "".join(sentence for sentence in data[0][0][0][0])
    return data['ld_result']["srclangs"][0], "".join(sentence["trans"] for sentence in data["sentences"])

Wow, seems like its changed back to how it was before...

Could do this....

    return data[0][0][2], "".join(sentence for sentence in data[0][0][0][0])
    return data['ld_result']["srclangs"][0], "".join(sentence["trans"] for sentence in data["sentences"])

Lmao that's exactly what I did on Animenosekai/translate d5f0357 (flipped their position though)

Edit: the new version is up on PyPI, update the module with pip install --upgrade translatepy (might want to run it twice to force pip checking for the new version)

Thank you so much for this information! I used this in a nice little translator module found here


Thank you so much for this information! I used this in a nice little translator module found here

Look at Animenosekai/translate which has all of the endpoints listed here (and more)

The endpoint now returns a simpler response (translation and detected language).



[[[[["Hola Mundo"]],null,"en"]]]

Formatted response:

                    "Hola Mundo"

This could fix your issue. It's a bit janky, but it works.

import requests

from urllib.parse import urlencode

##TIMEOUT = 30
    'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/88.0.4324.104 Safari/537.36'

class ResponseError(Exception):

def get_translation_url(sentance, tolanguage, fromlanguage='auto'):
    """Return the url you should visit to get sentance translated to language tolanguage."""
    query = {'client': 'gtx',
             'dt'    : 't',
             'sl'    : fromlanguage,
             'tl'    : tolanguage,
             'q'     : sentance}
    url = ''+urlencode(query)
    return url

def translate(sentance, tolang, fromlang='auto'):
    """Use the power of sneeky tricks to do translation."""
    # Get url from function, which uses urllib to generate proper query
    url = get_translation_url(sentance, tolang, fromlang)
        # Make a get request to translate url with magic headers
        # that make it work right cause google is smart and looks at that.
        # Also, make request result be json so we can look at it easily
        request_result = requests.get(url, headers=MAGICHEADERS).json()
    except Exception as ex:
        # If it broke somehow, try again
        # NOTE: could cause indefinite recursion
        return translate(sentance, tolang, fromlang)
    # After we get the result, get the right field of the response and return that.
    # If result field not in request result
    def get_parts(lst):
        usefull = []
        for i in lst:
            if isinstance(i, list):
                usefull += get_parts(i)
            elif i:
        return usefull
    return get_parts(request_result)[0]

But I have noticed that quite quickly google recognizes similarities and stops it from continued use, but maybe that's just me testing the same sort of general sentence repeating a couple of times.

import requests

l = language
s = sentence

def trans1(l, s):
	return requests.get(f"{l}&q={s}").json()[0][0][0]

def trans2(l, s):
	return requests.get(f"{l}&q={s}").json()["sentences"][0]["trans"]

Error from server : Too many request :'(

Closing this issue as our research was never implemented in this repo. I think it's best to assume that py-googletrans is pretty much done. Still need a translation library? Check out these:

Please stop using this issue as a support thread; tired of getting everyone's emails. Maintainers, I'd recommend you lock this thread.

Why you confusing people with broken package? Update the readme and unpublish from the pip. Thats it

It seems that now the two "free endpoints" of Google Translate API don't respond in a nice way anymore. For single words translations, they used to respond with a detailed list of possible translations. Now they only give you back a single one (the most common one) and I can't find a way to change this.

Have a look for "body" translated from EN to IT ("corpo", "organismo", "organo", "carrozzeria", ...)

Free endpoint 1:

Free endpoint 2:

Any ideas?

I don't believe it would be possible to get detailed lists without using a different endpoint, because in the applications these endpoints are in, they don't need all the possible translations.

I've found this alternative endpoint for google:
Free endpoint:
The caveat? the response is an HTML page. It is easily parseable though and the translation is much better than the ones they are spitting through the simple json endpoints above


@lokinmodar The only caveat is that it's the mobile version of Google Translate which tends to yield worse translations


@lokinmodar The only caveat is that it's the mobile version of Google Translate which tends to yield worse translations (based on previous observations, this might have changed and this page is slightly different than the normal Google Translate mobile page)

@lokinmodar The only caveat is that it's the mobile version of Google Translate which tends to yield worse translations (based on previous observations, this might have changed and this page is slightly different than the normal Google Translate mobile page)

i noticed this is much more faithful to the translations I used to get with the endpoint before they screwed it up


I made a comparison of all (known) Google Translate API endpoints based on my findings while making my translation library, this may be useful if you don't know which API endpoint to use.

  • no longer seems to return faithful translations; only returns the translated text.
  • still returns faithful translations and some info about the translation (source language, translation confidence and transliteration if available).
  • only returns a faithful translation with the X-Goog-BatchExecute-Bgr, the algorithm that creates this header doesn't seem to be deciphered yet. This is the endpoint that returns the most info (source language, translation confidence, transliteration, alternative translations, definitions, examples, etc.).
  • returns a faithful translation, but no extra info. Returns HTML instead of JSON so parsing is required.

In conclusion, the second endpoint is currently the best free Google Translate API endpoint, unless someone manages to decipher the X-Goog-BatchExecute-Bgr header.

Does anyone understand what is "score". Looks like it show how popular translation. I can't understand how to convert it to dashes like google translate does.

commented still OK. no longer works because is dead (redirected to in fact).


someone who can find translate from image.

I know this is an older thread but just wanted to warn people that has issues with punctuation and will just halt translations (like if it encounters an '!'). works great though! Thank you @SuperSonicHub1 !