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Test failure; undefined method "expects"

daBrado opened this issue · comments

When running the tests via rake, I got an error about expects, e.g.:

[ 54/125] Hector::ConnectionTest#test :"disconnecting should destroy the session" = 0.00 s
  1) Error:
Hector::ConnectionTest#test :"disconnecting should destroy the session":
NoMethodError: undefined method `expects' for #<Hector::UserSession:0x00000002058320>

I think something must have changed with the most recent Mocha, because its site says one should require mocha/unit_test, i.e.:

diff --git a/test/test_helper.rb b/test/test_helper.rb
index 6d0c734..809ffa4 100644
--- a/test/test_helper.rb
+++ b/test/test_helper.rb
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
   require "hector"
   require "test/unit"
-  require "mocha"
+  require "mocha/test_unit"
 rescue LoadError => e
   if require "rubygems"

...doing that makes the tests pass fine. Should that change be included? Perhaps also a version bump for Mocha in the gemspec...


That does indeed appear to be the case! If you bundle these changes up in a pull request, I'd be happy to accept it :)

There you go!

When I ran gem build, it gave some warning about a lack of license, and use of semantic versioning for dependencies... would you like a change to get rid of those, too?

Sure! You should be able to use the MIT license abbreviation in the gemspec. For the gem dependencies, I think the following version constraints should work:

s.add_dependency "eventmachine", "~> 0.12.10"
s.add_development_dependency "mocha", "~> 1.0.0"

If you add those changes to your existing pull request, that'd be great. Thanks for taking care of this!

You are welcome!

I did the event machine dependency a little differently, instead following the example given by the gem's warning, since ~> 0.12.10 I think would imply no version equal to or greater than 0.13.

Yeah, I haven't tested Hector with EventMachine >= 1.0.0. Though if you have and everything works okay, we can certainly update the EventMachine dependency!

Indeed, it seems to be:

% gem list eventmachine
*** LOCAL GEMS ***
eventmachine (1.0.3)
% rake
/usr/bin/ruby -I"lib:test" -I"/usr/lib/ruby/2.1.0" "/usr/lib/ruby/2.1.0/rake/rake_test_loader.rb" "test/integration/async_authentication_test.rb" "test/integration/channels_test.rb" "test/integration/connection_test.rb" "test/integration/keep_alive_test.rb" "test/integration/messaging_test.rb" "test/integration/services_test.rb" "test/unit/identity_test.rb" "test/unit/irc_error_test.rb" "test/unit/request_test.rb" "test/unit/response_test.rb" "test/unit/session_test.rb" "test/unit/yaml_identity_adapter_test.rb" 
Run options: 
# Running tests:
Finished tests in 3.479675s, 35.9229 tests/s, 91.6752 assertions/s.                                                                                               
125 tests, 319 assertions, 0 failures, 0 errors, 0 skips
ruby -v: ruby 2.1.1p76 (2014-02-24 revision 45161) [x86_64-linux]

Sounds good to me. Go for it!

Cool. I think it is part of the pull request now.

Oh, oops, now it is part of the pull request...

Great! Did you test using EventMachine 1.0.0, or 1.0.3, which is the latest release? If 1.0.3, the only change I'd suggest is using s.add_runtime_dependency "~> 1.0.3".

Oh, indeed, I tested using 1.0.3... I updated the dependency. Instead I did "~> 1.0", ">= 1.0.3", so that it isn't locked into 1.0.3.x, which I think is what would happen with ~> 1.0.3. I also just changed the previous commit, versus doing a new commit... hope that is okay.

Ah, you're right, good call. Everything looks great, so I merged your PR. Thank you for contributing!

Thanks; I'm glad I could. :)