sstephenson / brochure

A Rack application for serving static sites

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Support for layouts

sstephenson opened this issue · comments


<% layout "layouts/main" %>

in a template would cause it to be rendered inside the layout in layouts/_main.html.erb.

It sucks that you have to start rendering the inner template before you know what the layout is going to be. Its the way Rails does it, its kind of nasty, but I don't know of a cleaner way.

Yeah. I think it will be fine for Brochure's purposes.

Implemented: 4b974d8^^...4b974d8

Just needs some documentation in the readme.

Added a rather meager note about layouts and pushed 0.5.0.

This works just fine with erb, but not haml. Will see if I have time to supply a patch.

Thanks wailqill - could you open a separate ticket for HAML layout support?