sscarduzio / elasticsearch-readonlyrest-plugin

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[ES 6.7.0][RoR 1.18.0-pre1] REFLECTION: Failed to set indices for type SqlQueryRequest

parosio opened this issue · comments

when using a canvas we find the indices are not properly filtered by RoR.

Canvas elements are based on queries like select count(*) from some-events-subs-*
and actual indices (or aliases) are like: some-events-subs-vietnam, some-events-subs-congo, some-events-subs-hq, ...

When people who is only assigned a country access the canvas they see all the data, not only that of their country.

Here the person configuration:

    - name: VIET DATA
      type: allow
      kibana_access: ro
        users: ["VT_ONLY""]
      indices: [ "*vietnam", ".kibana*", ".kibana-devnull"]
      verbosity: info

We have seen some issue like this here in github.
Is there already a fix for it?


This was already filed as RORDEV-14, added to current sprint.
cc/ @coutoPL

HI @sscarduzio @coutoPL ,
i can't find tags with "RORDEV-14" to try to understand if this bug is fixed and in which version.
Can you help us to understand that ?
Many thanks,

Hi Filippo, @coutoPL is currently actively working on this issue.

Nice! @coutoPL are we going to have a pre build for @parosio soon?

yes, of course. I'm about to merge it.

@parosio did you have time to verify all is good?

Hi @sscarduzio,
sorry for the delay of this answer.

I cannot download from the link above. I've tested downloaded by @TRISAF.

The new version solve the issue on Sql queries:

curl -XPOST "http://localhost:9202/_xpack/sql?format=csv" -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d'
> {
>     "query": "SELECT company, count(*) FROM \"idx-*\" group by 1 order by 2 desc"
> }' -H 'x-forwarded-user: MYAN_VIET'

but I experience a strange side effect: using a _cat/indices?v with a "superuser" I get only the header:

### ROR Config:
    - name: HQ Admins
      type: allow
        users: ["PAROSIO"]

### QUERY:
~/elk/elasticsearch-6.7.0/bin> curl -XGET "http://localhost:9202/_cat/indices?v" -H 'x-forwarded-user: PAROSIO'
health status index uuid pri rep docs.count docs.deleted store.size

### ROR log: 
[2019-11-08T10:00:22,622][INFO ][t.b.r.a.l.AccessControlLoggingDecorator] [mCMhoMa] ALLOWED by { name: 'HQ Admins', policy: ALLOW, rules: [proxy_auth] req={  ID:1590220440-1272762317#5233,  TYP:ClusterStateRequest,  CGR:N/A,  USR:PAROSIO,  BRS:true,  KDX:null,  ACT:cluster:monitor/state,  OA:,  XFF:null,  DA:,  IDX:<N/A>,  MET:GET,  PTH:/_cat/indices,  CNT:<N/A>,  HDR:Accept=*/*, Host=localhost:9202, User-Agent=curl/7.19.7 (x86_64-suse-linux-gnu) libcurl/7.19.7 OpenSSL/0.9.8j zlib/1.2.3 libidn/1.10, content-length=0, x-forwarded-user=PAROSIO,  HIS:[::LOGSTASH::-> RULES:[auth_key->false], RESOLVED:[]], [::KIBANA-SRV::-> RULES:[auth_key->false], RESOLVED:[]], [::PHP::-> RULES:[auth_key->false], RESOLVED:[]], [::NAGIOS::-> RULES:[auth_key->false], RESOLVED:[]], [HQ Admins-> RULES:[proxy_auth->true], RESOLVED:[user=PAROSIO]]  }

On limited user I get the expected result:

     - name: myanmar_vietnam
      kibana_access: ro   
        users: [ "MYAN_VIET" ]  
      indices: ["*myanmar*","*vietnam*", ".kibana*", ".kibana-devnull"]

~/elk/elasticsearch-6.7.0/bin> curl -XGET "http://localhost:9202/_cat/indices?v" -H 'x-forwarded-user: MYAN_VIET'
health status index                        uuid                   pri rep docs.count docs.deleted store.size
yellow open   idx-vuln-ass-score-vietnam   ZlnwefckSA2-raJ8Uc_g2Q   1   2          2            0      7.4kb          7.4kb
yellow open   idx-ib-bc-sub-vietnam        szknLMNpRKq-AHV_a9EShg   1   2       1945            0    276.1kb        276.1kb
green  open   .kibana-6.6.1_4              _vG-dfj3TrOo4yo-X6kWJA   1   0        867            8      2.5mb          2.5mb
yellow open   idx-vuln-ass-all-myanmar     ApBPa9R4RnmkjSvNyiRStQ   1   2        672            0    110.7kb        110.7kb
yellow open   .kibana                      btdgx5EXRkOd5SsBBAJUCQ   1   1        768            1      1.1mb          1.1mb
yellow open   idx-sec-incidents-myanmar    KmsVNyrAQtWyXG9Ou2wuAw   1   2          4            0       29kb           29kb
green  open   .kibana_task_manager         klnMBPmXR1ioO_u1_uGhtw   1   0          2            0     14.8kb         14.8kb
green  open   idx-ib-bc-sub-myanmar        -EgWDfBXTqipJGJZpchYfw   1   0       1945            0    266.2kb        266.2kb
yellow open   idx-vuln-ass-all-vietnam     2NDgNltpReiT2Dbz4MJ_yQ   1   2        682            0    102.3kb        102.3kb
green  open   .kibana-6.6.1_3              wzQi1XvZS0-a93Z0S7iaJw   1   0        863            5      2.7mb          2.7mb
yellow open   idx-vuln-ass-score-myanmar   9R2AqlBtSXSWEkMhOvTPHw   1   2          2            0      7.3kb          7.3kb
green  open   .kibana-6.6.1_2              Q58EZV2URAqVkiocQPbteA   1   0        768            0    843.3kb        843.3kb
yellow open   idx-sec-incidents-vietnam    HpRQfOCOQIGd3cv6f9UxrQ   1   2          3            0     30.9kb         30.9kb

[2019-11-08T11:29:19,921][INFO ][t.b.r.a.l.AccessControlLoggingDecorator] [mCMhoMa] ALLOWED by { name: 'myanmar_vietnam', policy: ALLOW, rules: [proxy_auth,kibana_access,indices] req={  ID:301481679-1418583536#29466,  TYP:ClusterStateRequest,  CGR:N/A,  USR:MYAN_VIET,  BRS:true,  KDX:null,  ACT:cluster:monitor/state,  OA:,  XFF:null,  DA:,  IDX:<N/A>,  MET:GET,  PTH:/_cat/indices,  CNT:<N/A>,  HDR:Accept=*/*, Host=localhost:9202, User-Agent=curl/7.19.7 (x86_64-suse-linux-gnu) libcurl/7.19.7 OpenSSL/0.9.8j zlib/1.2.3 libidn/1.10, content-length=0, x-forwarded-user=MYAN_VIET,  HIS:[::LOGSTASH::-> RULES:[auth_key->false], RESOLVED:[]], [::KIBANA-SRV::-> RULES:[auth_key->false], RESOLVED:[]], [::PHP::-> RULES:[auth_key->false], RESOLVED:[]], [::NAGIOS::-> RULES:[auth_key->false], RESOLVED:[]], [HQ Admins-> RULES:[proxy_auth->false], RESOLVED:[]], [HQ ReadOnly-> RULES:[proxy_auth->false], RESOLVED:[]], [Norge-> RULES:[proxy_auth->false], RESOLVED:[]], [eastafrica-> RULES:[proxy_auth->false], RESOLVED:[]], [versalis_int_bruxelles-> RULES:[proxy_auth->false], RESOLVED:[]], [myanmar_vietnam-> RULES:[proxy_auth->true, kibana_access->true, indices->true], RESOLVED:[user=MYAN_VIET;indices=idx-vuln-ass-all-vietnam-alias,idx-sec-incidents-myanmar,.kibana_task_manager,idx-va-latest-score-vietnam,idx-ib-blue-coat-sub-vietnam-alias,idx-sec-incidents-vietnam-alias,idx-vuln-ass-all-myanmar,idx-ib-blue-coat-sub-myanmar,.kibana-6.6.1_3,idx-va-latest-score-myanmar,idx-vuln-ass-score-vietnam,idx-va-latest-all-myanmar,.kibana-6.6.1_2,idx-ib-blue-coat-sub-myanmar-alias,idx-sec-incidents-myanmar-alias,idx-vuln-ass-score-vietnam-alias,idx-ib-blue-coat-sub-vietnam,idx-vuln-ass-score-myanmar,idx-sec-incidents-vietnam,idx-va-latest-all-vietnam,idx-vuln-ass-score-myanmar-alias,idx-vuln-ass-all-myanmar-alias,.kibana.5.4.0.bkp,idx-vuln-ass-all-vietnam,.kibana-6.6.1_4,.kibana-6.6.1,.kibana]]  }

It seems that somehow the query has been translated to a TYP:ClusterStateRequest and ACT:cluster:monitor/state.

Could you please take a look at this?

Hi @coutoPL, and thank you;
this build works as expected either for sql queries and _cat queries, and for different kind of users.
Do you know if there is a date for official 1.18.9?

Thank you again,

@parosio I think this week there will be official release of 1.18.9. Stay tuned :)

I'm closing the issue, so the main topic is solved.