ssbc / ssb-invite

"followbot" style invite codes for ssb

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

bl package is vulnerable

taku0 opened this issue · comments


npm audit reports the following vulnerability.

ModerateMemory Exposure
Package bl
Patched in >=0.9.5 <1.0.0 || >=1.0.1
Dependency of ssb-invite
Path ssb-invite > level-sublevel > levelup > bl
More info

level-sublevel is no longer maintained. It uses an old version of levelup ~0.19.0 where the latest version of levelup is 4.3.2.

It might be replaced with subleveldown, but I don't sure.

This is a false positive. It wouldn't actually be possible to steal secrets using this. You'd need to new Buffer(user_value) but ssb-invite controls the value on the server side.