ssbc / go-ssb-room

Room server implemented in Go

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

are aliases supposed to allow connecting to a user? - they don't seem to

stevenroose opened this issue · comments

From the room 2.0 video in the readme of this project, I seem to understand that someone that has my alias URL should upon clicking be able to connect to me through the room? Is that correct?

I tried this while the aliased client was online on the room, and the consuming client (both Manyverse) opened the alias link, it said "user not online" and the server reports this

level=warn unit=tunnel caller=<@dloB.ed25519> target=<@384p.ed25519> event="source errored" err="muxrpc CallError: Error - client is a stranger"

the client is a stranger seems to suggest that strangers can't open alias links? (my room is in community mode)


According to 👇

Internal users and external users who visit a target user's alias endpoint can consume it in order to connect with the target internal user

Is this perhaps a Manyverse firewall issue? e.g.

Yes, by default manyverse has a firewall ssb-conn-firewall that renders aliases... kind of useless. But the firewall can be disabled in Settings

I have the firewall disabled and it still doesn't work.

But ok, that's a really cool feature, will the alias-consuming peer keep the connection attached to me? Like will it keep being able to connect with me over the server? Or is the connection one-time-use?

This would be really cool with an additional feature allowing someone to automatically add a friend to the server and that the connection would then turn into a full member connection automatically.

So that the flow becomes

  • I send alias
  • they connect through alias
  • I notice it's them, in Manyverse press them and select "invite/add to server" (community mode)
  • server adds their ID so that the connection they have with server is not a connection like one of a regular member
  • they become visible to other members of the server

If this flow would work, that would be amazing!

Like will it keep being able to connect with me over the server?

If you're using ssb-room-client, yes it will:

If this flow would work, that would be amazing!

Sounds similar to a flow I've been sketching called broker auth:

I have the firewall disabled and it still doesn't work.

Darn. Can anyone else confirm / reproduce that this isn't working? Sounding like a bug now to me 🤔

If you're using ssb-room-client, yes it will

I'm using Manyverse..

Sounds similar to a flow I've been sketching called broker auth: ...

Nice! I can only encourage the development! If there is anything I can do to help like debugging, let me know. I don't have any JS/TS experience, but I do have Go experience.

Are alias connects supposed to work in "community" mode?

Are alias connects supposed to work in "community" mode?


I just flipped the firewall switch twice, on and off again, and it works now. That's definitely a Manyverse bug and not a bug here.