ssannandeji / Zenject-2019

Dependency Injection Framework for Unity3D

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Why so many projects and files are added?

ClassyCircuit opened this issue · comments


I installed Zenject to my unity project and now it feels polluted. Zenject added like 6-7 .NET projects (all the unit and integrations tests and what not).
Why do you add all that information to the target project? There is absolutely no need to build all those supporting libraries, why don't you just add them as .dll files, if they are needed for Zenject to work?
I really don't want to open my unity project and look at 15 .net projects and keep on building them all the time.

Would greatly appreciate if you could bring down the sheer size and volume of files that you're adding to projects, most of them feel unnecessary.

Just do what I am going to do i.e. build the assemblies I need and just load them then remove the package. I know it would be better to not have to but its negligible faff.