srush / streambook

Live Python Notebooks with any Editor

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool does not update automatically when is saved

whoisnnamdi opened this issue · comments

After running python -m streambook, does not auto update, and thus the streamlit app does not update. If I run the command again, the file will update, but doesn't seem to be "watched" for future updates.

I'm on Windows

Hmm, the tool I am using (watchdog) seems to be the issue. I will see if I can get it to work on windows.

If you have any ideas feel free to send a patch.

The code is here, it is really short

Same for me on MacOS, it doesn't autoupdate on save

Okay apparently the issue is that Mac OS can only monitor the directory (not files). I pushed a fix.

I don't have a mac or windows box to test though. So let me know if the latest works better.

Apologies for the delay! This is working for me now, thanks so much @srush !!