sreeix / redis-proxy

A Proxy for redis servers, for failover and standby handling.

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# I/O error writing to MASTER: Broken pipe

ManuelPU opened this issue · comments

2 Hosts , 7111 as master host A , 7112 as slave of 7111 host B

Start : A master , B slave
and at host B appears this message all the time:

[1519] 09 Aug 04:39:13 # I/O error writing to MASTER: Broken pipe

this is the config:

"servers": [{
"host": "localhost"
,"port": 7111
, {
"host": "localhost"
, "port": 7112
, {
"host": "159.XXX.XXX.XXX"
, "port": 7113
,"mode": "readsToSlaves"
,"listen_port": 9999
,"bind_address": ""
,"check_period": 5000
,"pool_size": 50
, "debug": "yes"
, "slave_balance": "roundrobin"
, "loggers":[{ "filename": "redis-proxy.log", "level":"silly" } ]