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Formatting lost in <details> tag

valhuber opened this issue · comments

Contribution guidelines

I've found a bug and checked that ...

  • ... the problem doesn't occur with the mkdocs or readthedocs themes
  • ... the problem persists when all overrides are removed, i.e. custom_dir, extra_javascript and extra_css
  • ... the documentation does not mention anything about my problem
  • ... there are no open or closed issues that are related to my problem


I love your product... thanks!

Sorry, I do not understand the first "checkpoint" regarding mkdocs or readthedocs. I have never used them.

I have docs with details tags like this


<summary>Tests - and their logic - are transparent.. click to see Logic</summary>


**Logic Doc** for scenario: Good Order Custom Service
We place an Order with an Order Detail.  It's one transaction.

They work fine in standard wiki, but lose the formatting in material-docs.

The wiki link fails badly to take you to the right spot, but this is how that section of the page should look:
details formatting on wiki

And this is how it looks in materials-docs:

details formatiing on material-docs

Expected behaviour

Should preserve formatting - bold, dot points, paragraphs etc.

Actual behaviour

Such formatting is lost

Steps to reproduce

See the code above, which is the same on wiki/material-docs sites.

Package versions

  • Python: python --version


  • MkDocs: mkdocs --version

mkdocs, version 1.3.0 from /Users/val/dev/Docs.AplLogicServer/venv/lib/python3.10/site-packages/mkdocs (Python 3.10)

  • Material: pip show mkdocs-material | grep -E ^Version

Version: 8.3.8




I am using (I believe, tho a noobie) standards for

* docs folder
* mkdocs.yaml

System information

  • Operating system: ... 12.4
  • Browser: Firefox 102.0

This is probably because the content under the block tag <details> is not parsed as Markdown unless the user enables the md_in_hmtl extension.

Thanks for reporting. You can either use md_in_html, or pymdownx.details to render collapsible blocks, which are implemented with details elements:

with md_in_html:

<details markdown>

with pymdownx.details:

??? note "Title"

    Content <!-- All content indented by four spaces -->

Sorry, I do not understand the first "checkpoint" regarding mkdocs or readthedocs. I have never used them.

I'm in the process of reworking the entire issue-reporting process, as this is one of the things several users are having problems understanding, so no worries.

Thanks, guys... the md_in_html worked great.  Took me a minute to note the <details markdown>, but then fine.

If you need a reference for your project, happy to help.  It has made a spectacular change to the docs... not just visual, but it enables me to communicate the "big picture" using the combination of navigation + table of contents.

Finally, if you are database folks and have a few moments, I'd love to get your reaction to API Logic Server - the doc, and the product.

You can close this issue...