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Search dialogue remains at "Initializing search" when search.lang=ja and with tags in md file

xingzipss opened this issue · comments

Contribution guidelines

I've found a bug and checked that ...

  • ... the problem doesn't occur with the mkdocs or readthedocs themes
  • ... the problem persists when all overrides are removed, i.e. custom_dir, extra_javascript and extra_css
  • ... the documentation does not mention anything about my problem
  • ... there are no open or closed issues that are related to my problem


search dialogue remains at "Initializing search" when setting search.lang=ja and writing md file with tags in the metadata

Expected behaviour

searching works as usual.

Actual behaviour

Search dialogue remains at "Initializing search"

Steps to reproduce

  1. install mkdocs and mkdocs-material , and create a project by "mkdocs new ..."
  2. edit docs/index.md like this and mkdocs.yml as Configuration below
    _$ cat docs/index.md


  • t

Welcome to MkDocs

  1. start mkdocs by "mkdocs serve" and click the search dialogue in browser , you'll see "Initializing search" remains , and there is an error in browser like this -

Package versions

mkdocs: version 1.3.0 from .... Python 3.7
mkdocs-material: Version: 8.3.8


site_name: My Docs

    name: material
    languange: en

    - tags
    - search:
        lang: ja

System information

  • Operating system:
    $ lsb_release -a
    No LSB modules are available.
    Distributor ID: Debian
    Description: Debian GNU/Linux 10 (buster)
    Release: 10
    Codename: buster

  • Browser:
    firefox 101.0.1

Thanks for reporting. Please provide a minimal reproducible example and attach it here as a zip file.

I tried the minial reporduce steps this moring :

  1. make a new mkdocs project
  2. change the docs/index.md (add tags on the top) and mkdocs.yml (set search.lang=ja and tags) as the zip file shows.
  3. "mkdocs serve" then turn to the browser and search.

if there's " no tags information in the md file " or " search.lang=en " , search dialogue can still work properly.

Thanks for providing the reproduction! Indeed, this seems to be a problem with the Japanese segmenter.

Thanks alot , then is it possible to be fixed in here or we need to wait for lunr to make some changes

I'll see if we can work around it.

I got a similar error when I'm using tags: in some .md documents.

After removing those tags settings (it's not something that we are using) it works, but probably not everybody could remove them.

My mistake, I found the error, as we made a migration from Pelikan, tags were added separated from ,.

Okay, so I've taken some time to investigate the issue, and I'm confident to say that it's originating from the tokenizer that is shipped with Japanese language support in lunr-languages (our upstream dependency), shipping a custom implementation that seems to be incompatible with lunr's implementation (also see MihaiValentin/lunr-languages#45 (comment)):

Bildschirmfoto 2022-07-02 um 09 16 18

I think you have two options here:

  • Create a minimal reproducible example and file the issue upstream
  • Switch to Insiders, since we completely rewrote the search, including segmentation for Japanese and Chinese

I rewrote the tokenizer completely from scratch, since lunr's default tokenizer has several problems. If you're interested how it works, I wrote a blog article about it. I'm afraid this is not back-portable without pulling in the entire source code of the new tokenizer, which is bound to the Carolina Reaper funding goal.

With that said, I'm closing this issue. I understand that switching to Insiders might not be an option for some users, but it's all I can offer right now. Other than that, reporting this upstream might be a good idea nonetheless.

Got it. Thank you for taking time to investigate on this. You're doing an awesome job , I wish I could afford switching to Insiders someday.