squidfunk / mkdocs-material

Documentation that simply works

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8.3.5 makes all navigation links unusable

bobek opened this issue · comments

Contribution guidelines

I've found a bug and checked that ...

  • ... the problem doesn't occur with the mkdocs or readthedocs themes
  • ... the problem persists when all overrides are removed, i.e. custom_dir, extra_javascript and extra_css
  • ... the documentation does not mention anything about my problem
  • ... there are no open or closed issues that are related to my problem


Updating to 8.3.5 renders all navigation links (left side, toc, main, search) non-reactive. They stop reacting to clicks and user cannot navigate the site.

Expected behaviour

Links are clickable

Actual behaviour

you cannot browse the site

Steps to reproduce

Just build the site with 3.8.5, going back to 3.8.4 resolves the issue.

Package versions


Python 3.10.5 but tested on other versions as well.


site_name: Test documentation portal
  name: material

System information

Tested various browsers, all behave the same

Thanks for reporting. Possibly related to the changes added in #4012. It's not happening on our documentation site, so I suspect it's related to some specific configuration. Please provide a minimal reproducible example.

TBH I am slightly puzzled. I am not able to reproduce on my local machine (mike serve as well as mkdocs serve), but it manifests itself when deployed via gitlab and gitlab pages.

I am still getting the issue with rather minimal configuration

site_name: IP Fabric Documentation Portal
  name: material

    provider: mike

  - mike:
      version_selector: true

I will try setup a separate repo, so we don't need to butcher our production documentation :) The "staging" repo is available at https://gitlab.com/ip-fabric/staging-docs while the deployed pages are accessible via https://ip-fabric.gitlab.io/staging-docs/main/

Ok, I'm stupid 🥴. I accidentally left ev.preventDefault() in the logic of the version selector which I only included for testing that I just removed in 4f78e81. Navigation should now work as expected. I'm very sorry for the inconvenience.

Dah, I have not tested static build. That would showed the behavior on my local machine as well.


Yup, that did the trick. Just redeployed with tip of the master and everything works as expected. Patch release would be great, so others don't face the same issue.

Thank you very much for your great work. Really appreciated!

Okay, perfect, many thanks for testing! I'll push out a new release today.

Released as part of 8.3.6.