squid808 / gShell

PowerShell Cmdlets and .Net Libraries for Google Apps and Gmail APIs

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Set-GAUser OrgUnitPath Parameter

robcerda opened this issue · comments

Getting the following error when specifying a new orgunitpath

Parameter set cannot be resolved using the specified named parameters.

This seems to be resolved in the next release. For example:
set-gauser "UserName" -OrgUnitPath "/SomeOrgUnit" -GAuthId "domain.com"

Where GAuthId is the replacement for what used to be Domain, this works without issue. Just don't forget to include the preceeding / otherwise you'll get an error. Please give that a try on the next release and let me know if you still run in to issues. Or, if you want to provide an example line for me to try and reproduce the issue, I'll be happy to give it a run.

I'll close this once the next release is out.

You can find a pre-release of version 0.10.0 on the downloads page, with information on the beta release on the news page. Please read up on the breaking changes mentioned, and test it out to see if you are having any issues.

Over the next month or so I'll work to fix any remaining issues and then switch it to a full release.
