square / square-nodejs-sdk

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Inconsistence types for `createCard` api ?

rawatnaresh opened this issue · comments

The Card type that is used in CreateCardRequest has customerId marked as optional but it should be required as calling createCard without customerId throws an error

  • Throws Error
await cardsApi.createCard({
    idempotencyKey: 'unique_key',
    sourceId: 'nonce',
    card: { }, // throws error although card.customerId is marked as optional
  • Works fine
await cardsApi.createCard({
    idempotencyKey: 'unique_key',
    sourceId: 'nonce',
    card: { customerId: 'customer_id' }, // customerId should be passed although its marked a optional

@rawatnaresh sorry about the confusion around this. The docs are correct, though they could be more clear. I've reached out to the respective team about adding more clarity around this.