square / square-nodejs-sdk

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

batchRetrieveOrders returned an error Error: The response did not match the response schema.

jjc235 opened this issue · comments


Running batchRetrieveOrders doesn't work approx 30% of the time.

The following output is given by the sdk.

Given value: {"location_id":"REDACTED","amount_money":{"amount":5,"currency":"USD"},"receivable_id":"REDACTED"}
Type: 'object'
Expected type: 'Lazy<Object<{locationId,description,amountMoney,receivableId}>>'
Path: orders › 37 › refunds › 0 › additional_recipients › 0

Can you share a code snippet on how you're calling it? So far I'm unable to replicate this error. Can you also share an order_id so I can take a look at what exactly is being returned?


Hi! Is there any update on this?

Hi @jjc235

It's been a while, and just wondering if this issue is still persisting for you on more recent SDKs?

In the future I would recommend that you post questions on our Developer Forums instead, as these forums are monitored by Square employees, and response times are within 48 hours.

I am going to close this issue for now, but if anyone else in the community comes across this issue, or similar and can provide more details about the issue, feel free to re-open.
