square / retrofit

A type-safe HTTP client for Android and the JVM

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POST not work with @field annotaion

calidion opened this issue · comments


What kind of issue is this?

  • Question. This issue tracker is not the place for questions. If you want to ask how to do
    something, or to understand why something isn't working the way you expect it to, use Stack
    Overflow. https://stackoverflow.com/questions/tagged/retrofit

  • Bug report. If you’ve found a bug, spend the time to write a failing test. Bugs with tests
    get fixed. Here’s an example: https://gist.github.com/swankjesse/6608b4713ad80988cdc9

  • Feature Request. Start by telling us what problem you’re trying to solve. Often a solution
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    support. Sometimes we leave features out on purpose to keep the project small.

version 2.9.0

Here's a test case showcasing that it can work:

public void simpleFormEncoded() {
class Example {
@FormUrlEncoded //
@POST("/foo") //
Call<ResponseBody> method(@Field("foo") String foo, @Field("ping") String ping) {
return null;
Request request = buildRequest(Example.class, "bar", "pong");
RequestBody body = request.body();
assertBody(body, "foo=bar&ping=pong");

Please supply a failing test case if you think something is broken.


I think this simple test may be not sufficient.
I have seem a lot of question on why field is not working.
no one can give a working answer.
I am now using okhttpclient instead.


this is the code working with OkHttpClient:

        public String quota(String username , String password) {
        RequestBody formBody = new FormBody.Builder()
                .add("username", username)
                .add("password", password)

        Request request = new Request.Builder()
                .url(BASE_URL + "user/quota")

        Call call = httpClient.newCall(request);
            try {
                Response response = call.execute();
                return response.body().string();
            } catch (IOException e) {
                throw new RuntimeException(e);

this is the code not working with retrofit2:

    public Quota quota;
    OkHttpClient.Builder httpClient = new OkHttpClient.Builder();

    public void start(String username, String password) {
        Gson gson = new GsonBuilder()

        Retrofit retrofit = new Retrofit.Builder()

        APIService apiService = retrofit.create(APIService.class);

        Call<Quota> quotaCall = apiService.getQuota(username, password);

    public void onResponse(Call<Quota> call, Response<Quota> response) {
        if (response.isSuccessful()) {
            quota = response.body();
        } else {

    public void onFailure(Call<Quota> call, Throwable t) {
public interface Quota {
    public String username = "";
    public int quota = 0;
    public int upload = 0;
    public int download = 0;
public interface APIService {
    void getServers();

    Call<Quota> getQuota(@Field("username") String username, @Field("password") String password);


How is it not working?


How is it not working?

I can't trace much deeper.
I only know that the parameters are passed into the requester.




this is a repository can reproduce this bug.
Where OKHTTP works well and @field not .

Retrofit's @FormUrlEncoded uses OkHttp's FormBody.Builder to build the body the same as your snippet does.

if (isFormEncoded) {
// Will be set to 'body' in 'build'.
formBuilder = new FormBody.Builder();

I need a self-contained test case to debug anything here, so I'm going to preemptively close. If you can come up with a failing test case I can take a look.


this is the failing test case and you don't take a look.
And there is only one test!


is the simplest example that showing how @field fails.
if you don't have the ability to debug, then you'd better resign or close source this project.